hi guys, what's the most foolproof and/or best way to PyFFI the vanilla oblivion meshes? I'm not using the GOTY edition.
Is it better to use OBMM to extract the meshes, then PyFFI the folders? Then repack the BSA?
Or use the PyFFI-ed Mesh Patches off Tesnexus - do these require you to unpack the BSA first?
PS: I have already PyFFI'd my Data\Meshes folder...ie. my mods and replacers.
Use the PyFFI-ed Mesh Patches for whatever you can. You have to extract the mesh folder in the meshes BSA to the the proper folder of the download (from TESNexus, the mesh patches.) The ONLY way to get the vanilla files, is to extract files from those BSAs. You do not have to repack the files, but Arthmoor recommends it. I use QTP3 and have always had the files loose, so leaving the PyFFI-ed meshes in the data folder does not make any difference to me. I have heard, but I am not sure, that re-packing BSAs with the replacers' files is faster because it is faster for Oblivion to "track the files down" in a way. It does not have to decide which file to load or look for them other than in the BSAs. A BSA kind of counts as less stuff than the loose data files. I am not sure that it increases performance, but if someone can confirm, then I will make note of it. I have also heard that not packing BSAs is faster, but I do not really know. Do what you are comfortable with...
@RavingXX: I am still thinking about your issue, and I think I have a couple of solutions. The simplest of which would be to pack QTP3R into an OMOD or a BAIN package, and then to uninstall it. Unfortunately, it does not have a BSA, so I do not think that TES4Files can help you, unless you can somehow use the Oblivion ESM. I have not used that utility (even though I have it.) The other way to uninstall it for sure, is to just delete the mesh and texture folders and reinstall all of your other mods...
Edit: Let me think on it some more...