PYFFI Optimized - Increased performance without adding more

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:18 am

->>>>>!!!!!! and very much "In Progress..." Please start contributing by posting crashes/problems, solutions or pictures where applicable (in this thread.) Generally, these should not be mod-specific troubles. I would detail what "mod-specific" means, but the idea is not solid in my head right now. I will post examples of "issues you will not see" as they come up, for now. I am also looking for OBMM scripts for any mods around. I will post a few of my own soon, before just going ahead a trying to rewrite the 300 or so I used to have.

I was working on a guide by Blade of Mercy in order to try to smooth the last one-to-a-couple-hours crash from my game. When I came across steps involving, PyFFI, a Python program, and checked it out and found myself hesitant to proceed. Using PyFFI to optimize meshes definitely helps improve FPS, so explored for more answers. I asked in the New PYFFI Automation Tool thread, and the author, Dan (Kandiedan), warned against inexperienced users doing this themselves because you need to know how to check for bad meshes. Well, soon after, other experienced modders assuaged a number of my concerns. Now I want to spread my confidence and, recently, amassed information about PyFFI and other ways to optimize and stabilize Oblivion. Dan's advice is still important, if you see mesh issues in-game, grab your backed-up original meshes, and try PyFFI-ing again. For the time being, here are a few PYFFI-related and performance-related downloads available:
Latest Version: 2.0.2 by kandiedan (Dan)
>>> Comes with an INI file that is supposed to be able to skip certain file types.

Make sure to download the latest version. (There is a link in the header above to the PyFFI site.) After installing
the latest version, when you right-click on a folder "Optimize with PyFFI" is now an option. Warning!!! The
regular PyFFI tool modifies the original files
, so make sure to have a back up of whatever you try to optimize
somewhere. A number modders have recommended avoiding the creature and character folder, and also files with
EGM files (i.e., certain helmets and head meshes.) Bad meshes, generated by PyFFI or by hand, can cause
problems, that is why it is important to check meshes after running PyFFI. It is not impossible, but the process
(when done thoroughly) may be very time-consuming.
Note: will output optimized meshes
to a separate folder (of your choice) and does not modify the originals.

Recommended Folders (and Files) to Avoid:
1. Characters
>>> PyFFI can have trouble with Transparencies ~Arthmoor
2. Creatures
3. Effects
4. Files with EGMs (i.e., helmets and head meshes)
5. FX (i.e., "meshes\dungeons\misc\fx")
6. Landscape - Waterfalls
>>> PyFFI can have trouble with Transparencies ~Arthmoor
7. Triggers
8. Arthmoor's other specific avoids:
>>> Landscape waterfall meshes, Texians Animated River meshes
---->>> PyFFI sometimes butchers the transparency information
>>> Hair meshes

Iffy? PyFFI Avoids:
1. Armors
>>> Note: You may also want to avoid armors, especially when using replacers.
>>> WATCH OUT! for EGMs
2. Weapons

Why do this? ...for increased FPS and more stability!!!!!

Optimized Meshes Downloads: by Beyonder (here and TESNexus) ---mod permissions?? by olafreinhardweyer (here and TESNexus) ---mod permisions??? by AlizarinCrimson (here and TESNexus)
>>> There are patches for Vanilla Oblivion, Oblivion Poly-gone Overhaul, Operation Optimization and Harvest Containers.
>>> The Harvest Containers patch contains instruction for optimizing those include in OOO too.
>>> Note: These may not work for Game of The Year (GOTY) edition. by Beyonder (here and TESNexus) ---mod permissions??
>>> These are fine for QTP3 regular, redimized and reduced. (They all use the same meshes. The difference between these variations is texture resolution.)
>>> It includes all QTP3 patches, including patch meshes, as well.
>>> This package includes a number of optimized Vanilla? and one COBL mesh, along with some others.
>>> The extra files are not problematic for everyone, and it seems that, outside of the one COBL mesh, it only touches Vanilla meshes.
>>> This includes only the ~999 meshes altered by QTP3 and its patches. by Core PC and Team MMM

Already PyFFI Optimized: by XMarksTheSpot, Brumbek and Ismelda by Bananasplit, Wolfslady, Reckless, SilentResident, Nernie, Vorians and Ismelda by Arthmoor
>>> See Arthmoor's Sig for alternative download(s) and current thread. by Arthmoor
--> See Arthmoor's Sig for alternative download(s) and current thread. by Texian godhugh and Arthmoor
>>> See Arthmoor's Sig for alternative download(s) and current thread. by Various and Arthmoor
>>> See Arthmoor's Sig for alternative download(s) and current thread. by Quarn and Kivan
>>> Wrye Bash: Remove the "C.Water" tag from the UOP. by Quarn and Kivan by Quarn and Kivan by Chong Li, Wrinkly Ninja and Arthmoor
>>> See Arthmoor's Sig for alternative download(s) and current thread.
---- mods---- by Malachit
>>> Cleaned and/or Updated by Arthmoor: by Chuck21,IAMTHEEMPEROR and Arthmoor by Carel de Winter by Bananasplit by Aelius by Aelius

Need FPS?!

Some Modules: by mmmpld by bunsaki
>>> These meshes have actually been reduced (not PyFFI-ed) but by manually editing the NIFs,
>>> The 50% version's visual loss is minor. by bunsaki
>>> From mod's description:
>>> "highly recommended for users of integrated onboard audio that lack hardware audio support (Laptops/Motherboards)" by Quarn
>>> This site has links to various reduced texture mods for Oblivion. by Bob Markinson by Qarl by Blade9722 and Qarl
>>> These are various reductions for BTQ Landscape LODs and Qarl's normals by RPGBlackDragon
>>> The grass tweaks are not necessary, but reading them may help if you really need FPS.
>>> by krull mcroth

Your attention please!!

Download the latest
>> Note: The Game of The Year Edition (GOTY) is already patched.
>> Make sure to get the correct patch!!

It is usually better to leave your Oblivion INI to its default settings, unless you are changing video related settings. (This is epecially true of the v1.2.0416 update INI file.) Other safe edits are changing your main menu videos, border regions, screenshot and other INI settings that are required for visual enhancement or reduction. Many of the available tweak guides are out-of-date, so if you are thinking about "tweaking" your INI, find current information about it before doing so. Also, if you find that you are missing certain lines or settings, you can add them if you know they exist. (Ask if you are unsure about a settings existence and/or placement, which group it belongs to.) Also, remember to try regenerating your Oblivion INI files when troubleshooting CTD on load and related issues. Regerating the INI is as simple as moving the current one out of your "My Games\Oblivion" folder (to make sure you have a back up) and clicking on the launcher. Oblivion will not overwrite an existing INI.

Some "Regular" Oblivion INI Edits:
smainmenumovie=Map Loop.bik[b]>>> in your "Data\Video" folder[/b]SMainMenuMovieIntro=Oblivion iv logo.bik[b]>>> in your "Data\Video" folder[/b]bAllowScreenShot=1[b]>>> ScreenShots enabled[/b]SLocalSavePath=Saves\FolderForYour(Current)Profile[b]>>> allows for multiple profile>>> save managing utilities, such as Wrye Bash, change this for you[/b]iShadowMapResolution=1024[b]>>> default setting of 256 is a known cause of problems (512 or 1024 can be used instead)[/b]bBorderRegionsEnabled=0[b]>>> This setting removes the invisible borders.>>> Note: Required by a number of mods[/b]iScreenShotIndex=53[b]>>> The number is the number of your [i]next[/i] screenshot.>>> Fix this setting if your game happens to crash,>>>> or you may overwrite screenshots taken during that session[/b]

~A number of the "[GamePlay]" settings are safe to alter as well, especially...
;===================================================================================; [Main Features Settings]				 Toggle Streamline Features (1=on, 0=off);===================================================================================set SLv.Purging			   to	   1 ; Turn on Streampurge?  (cache purging)set SLv.FPSsmoothing		  to	   1 ; Turn on Streamsmooth? (FPS smoothing)[b]>>> If using the Oblivion Stutter Remover, disabling this option may be an improvement or more to your tastes>>> The Stutter Remover's purpose is somewhat like this feature. (See its topic linked above for more info.)[/b]set SLv.Streamsaving		  to	   1 ; Turn on Streamsaving? (timed autosaves)set SLv.Streamsight		   to	   1 ; Turn on Streamsight?  (FPS enhancer);===================================================================================; [Streampurge Settings]					An automated cache-cleaner for Oblivion;===================================================================================set SLh.SLmode				to	   4 ; Memory Purge Mode (1-6)  (Default: 3)[b]>>> 4 is recommended by many users[/b]										 ;  Lower # = faster, higher # = slowerset SLv.PurgeOnTravel		 to	   0 ; Purge memory on travel & zone?[b]>>> If enabled, may conflict with running scripts[/b]set SLv.PurgeOnWait		   to	   1 ; Purge memory when character waits?set SLv.PurgeOnSleep		  to	   1 ; Purge memory when character sleeps?;===================================================================================; [Streamsave Settings]	<--- [b]These are recommended for increased stability and reduced conflicts[/b];===================================================================================set SLv.SaveTimer			 to	   5 ; Autosave interval (in actual minutes) [b]>>> Safer for auto-saves>>> Choose any useful interval[/b]set SLv.NumSaveSlots		  to	  50 ; Number of save slots to use (Max: 60)[b]>>> Choose the number of slots you find useful[/b]...[b]>>> The Following StreamSave Settings:  If enabled, they may cause trouble for running scripts.[/b]set SLv.AfterCombat		   to	   0 ; Force a save after each combat ends?set SLv.InteriorOnly		  to	   0 ; Save only when indoors?set SLv.WhenIdleOnly		  to	   0 ; Save only when character is idle?set SLv.AfterZone			 to	   0 ; Save after fast-travel or door use?set SLv.AfterWaitSleep		to	   0 ; Save after waiting or sleeping?...set SLv.PurgeBeforeSave	   to	   0 ; Do a purge before a Streamsave?[b]>>> End: If enabled, may cause trouble for running scripts[/b];===================================================================================; [Streamsight Settings]   <--- [b]Scripted weather mod users - DO NOT FORGET THIS!![/b];===================================================================================set SLv.WeatherUnsticker	  to	   0 ; Leave set at 1 unless you use a										 ;  scripted weather mod[b]>>> Scripted weather mod users (i.e., users of EW, AWS, All Natural, etc) - Do not forget this!![/b]

In depth discussion

This is another case where it is safer for modders and more experienced users to do the job themselves. However,
TES4Edit's function, "Undelete and Disable References" is pretty safe, and it helps alleviate a problem that is a known
source of crashes. That is a function for everyone. Warning!!! Not all "Identical to Master" records should be removed! by ElminsterAU (ElminsterEU here)
>>> This is also TES4View. If you rename the EXE file to "TES4View.exe" that is the view (only) version.

Crash Prevention Modules
Do you use any of these?! You probably should...

Unofficial Official Bug-Fixing Modules
>>These three are in the list of Already PyFFI Optimized Modules (above.) by Quarn and Kivan
The "almost for everyone" mod!
>>> Wrye Bash: Remove the "C.Water" tag from the UOP. by Quarn and Kivan by Quarn and Kivan

OBSE Plugins
>>> Note: The latest stable version is v17b. by Windom Earle
>>> Prevents some known crashes
>>> Note: It may cause crashes for some people, but it helps stability for many.
>>> by SkyRanger-1
>>> Get version 2!!
>>> A "clean quit" module

At least, grab one of these...

Start out building your load order slowly! It makes it much simpler to find conflicts.
---->> Note: Use this as a guide! It is not official.
---->> This is not the only way to get a crash-free setup.
---->> Blade of Mercy is an long-time (for Oblivion) user sharing experience and information with the rest of us.
---->> It worked for him, and it may work for other people.

Better Oblivion Sorting Software (BOSS):
>>> Get the latest core files and database
>>> BOSS is not perfect, but it should get you to a good starting place!
>>> - It goes through quickly, so the link may become out-of-date.

A lot of people have problems with this one for some reason...Did you read the instructions?
>>> Make sure to get a working first. Build from there.
>>> Shikishima recommends making sure to have the basic FCOM setup working first, and adding to it.
>>> Even if you have a working load order working, add it back slowly, after establishing a basic FCOM setup.
>>> Another FCOM Installation guid:
>>> A more complex load order template:

Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM):
Get the latest version, by Timeslip
>>> Also available
>>> Highlight #1: OBMM Scripts allow modders to make scripts to automate and/or guide correct installation.
>>> Highlight #2: "Reset BSA Timestamps" resets the dates of BSAs, making sure "loose" data files overwrite BSAs
>>> Quick Fact #1: OMODs can be extracted using 7-zip.

Wrye Bash:
Get the latest version, by Wrye and the Wrye Bash Team
>>> Also available
>>> Among its many features: function (and and
>>> Recommended for more experienced users: function
>>> Rebuild your bashed patch every time you make changes to your load order or plugins.
>>> are also very important!
----"Big Tag Notices"----
>>Unofficial Oblivion Patch - Remove the "C.Water" tag

More References! More things to know!!

Be Aware...
1. There is a hard cap of 255 active plugins.
2. There is also a range of about 300-400 for the total number of plugins that can be in your data folder.
>>> Going over the total plugin cap can result in randomly missing textures (marked by purple meshes)
>>> Going over over also results in random black meshes/textures.
3. CTD on startup (before getting to the main menu) usually indicates a missing master.
>>> Wrye Bash: Plugins with missing masters have red boxes.
>>> TES4Edit: This program will halt with a fatal error message trying to load a plugin with a missing master.
4. When trouble-shooting crashes, remember to try regenerating a fresh Oblivion INI.
>>> The Oblivion INI is in your "My Games\Oblivion" folder.
>>> The game will generate a new one if you move or delete your INI from that folder.
>>> Remember to reinstall mods that made INI tweaks (especially UI mods) after regenerating a new INI.
5. Delinquent masters can also cause crashes immediately on startup!
>>> Delinquent Masters are plugins that are loading after mods that depend on them.
>>> Wrye Bash: Its mod listing functions will show warnings in the list.
>>> TES4Edit: These can also cause TES4Edit to halt with a fatal error message.
6. Wrye Bash: Not rebuilding your patch after load order (or plugin) changes may cause CTD on load too.
7. The Game of The Year Edition (GOTY) is already patched to the latest version.

DO NOT!!!...
gamesas did a pretty good job with the v1.2.0416 Oblivion INI file, and it is better to leave it alone.
>>Note: Many of the tweak guides, even the one listed in the (pinned to the top of this forum) have
>>>>>> out-of-date information.
Avoid optimizing the mesh types listed near the beginning of this topic, unless you know what you are doing.
Do not use the mod.
>>> It has known bugs, and does not give much FPS increase. (You are better off optimizing your meshes. :D)
Do not clutter your load order with plugins you are not using.
>>> There is a hard cap of 255 plugins. (That's the number of plugins you can have inactive.)
>>> There is also a range of about 300-400 for the total number of plugins that can be in your data folder.

See for more (detailed) information!!

Arthmoor - Information about how to use PyFFII and optimizing and cleaning your mods, Oblivion INI change: iShadowMapResolution
Blade of Mercy - Inspiration for me to write this topic with his 50 Steps Crash-Free Setup Guideline
Dan (kandiedan) - PyFFI Automation Utility
display name is already in use - Helped me with countless load order issues
ThumperZ - Additional Streamline and Oblivion INI changes information
Modders who gave in put in the Plugin Cleaning discussion
Authors that take the time to optimize their meshes and clean their plugins

Thank you all for contributing to an experience smoother Oblivion experience!

There must be more PyFFI optimized mods out there...
- Tomlong75210

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:01 am

Thanks for the thread,
Question though, is it safe to pyffi the Vanilla meshes with the Pyffi Automation tool?
Cause I can't get the Pyffi-ed Meshes Patches to work
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Nadia Nad
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:21 pm

Thanks for the thread,
Question though, is it safe to pyffi the Vanilla meshes with the Pyffi Automation tool?
Cause I can't get the Pyffi-ed Meshes Patches to work

It works. I just did it yesterday. Did you download the latest version of PyFFI?

Edit: What problem did you have, specifically?
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:07 am

It works. I just did it yesterday. Did you download the latest version of PyFFI?

Yep, I got the latest version
One thing I'm concern about is this from the PyFFI-ed Mesh Patches:

"There have been reports that this does not work with GoTY edition Oblivion. If you have GoTY edition it may not work.

EDIT: I can't find the Optimized Folder
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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:11 am

Yep, I got the latest version
One thing I'm concern about is this from the PyFFI-ed Mesh Patches:

"There have been reports that this does not work with GoTY edition Oblivion. If you have GoTY edition it may not work.

EDIT: I can't find the Optimized Folder

Here is what I did:

1. Download the compressed file to a separate folder

2. Use 7-zip's "Extract Here" function

3. Use OBMM to extract the meshes folder files into that separate folder

4. Put the newly extracted meshes folder into the "Separate Folder\PyFFI-ed Vanilla Meshes Patch\Original" folder

5. Click ApplyPatches.bat

6. Compress the "Meshes" folder in the "Separate Folder\PyFFI-ed Vanilla Meshes Patch\Optimized" folder generated by the patch

Do those steps not work for you? I wonder what the difference is with the GOTY version...
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Courtney Foren
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:20 pm

Thanks, I'll see what I can do
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Scarlet Devil
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:54 am

For whatever it's worth, anything I release that has a mesh has been optimized. I guess if people consider this useful information I'll go list it in my readmes :P
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:06 pm

For whatever it's worth, anything I release that has a mesh has been optimized. I guess if people consider this useful information I'll go list it in my readmes :P

I'll add it here too.

Thank you as always Arthmoor!
- Tomlong75210
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Sammie LM
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:29 pm

I just apply the patch and found the Optimized Folder, but there's no nif files inside. Only folders

Here's the error:

"The system cannot find the path specified
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:20 am

I just apply the patch and found the Optimized Folder, but there's no nif files inside. Only folders

Here's the error:

"The system cannot find the path specified

Is that error generated after running the BAT file? Do you know if it is generated by PyFFI not being able to find Python or something? Here is a PIC of what I had, after using OBMM to extract the meshes to the "Original" folder and clicking on the BAT file:¤t=PyFFIpatches.png.

Edit: Is that message being generated after each patch attempt? (I tried to recreate the error.)
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Farrah Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:00 pm

The error appear after every nif it patch
I think I'll reinstall Pyffi again because right now, its currently installed in the Program Files
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:16 pm

The error appear after every nif it patch
I think I'll reinstall Pyffi again because right now, its currently installed in the Program Files

That is where mine is.

Edit: That error should indicate that it cannot find your NIF files. I am compressing the meshes folder that I extracted from the Vanilla BSA, and I will upload a picture of the paths for you to compare with yours.
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Arrogant SId
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:42 pm

That is where mine is.

Edit: That error should indicate that it cannot find your NIF files. I am compressing the meshes folder that I extracted from the Vanilla BSA, and I will upload a picture of the paths for you to compare with yours.

Thanks Tom,
but I guess I'm not the only who have this problem
I took a look over at the Tesnexus Pyffi-ed Mes Patches comments, and saw that many user has the same kind of error I got
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J.P loves
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:57 am

Thanks Tom,
but I guess I'm not the only who have this problem
I took a look over at the Tesnexus Pyffi-ed Mes Patches comments, and saw that many user has the same kind of error I got

I really wish I knew what was different about the GOTY version. Did any of the comments suggest solutions?

Edit: It looks like it tries to patch the Anvil architecture first, so here they are...

meshes\architecture\anvil\altarcloth01.nif                                       (424A3899)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilaltar01.nif                                       (7E193E38)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilbasemantdoorframe01.nif                           (A3B16418)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilchaindollholder01.nif                             (2708A7AB)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilcirclebench01.nif                                 (5850CA89)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvildoorframe01.nif                                   (22248ADB)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvildoorframeint01.nif                                (F30D5E43)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvildoormc01.nif                                      (D36D99F5)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvildoormcanim01.nif                                  (8F20EE9F)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvildooruc01.nif                                      (03089AB4)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvildooruc02.nif                                      (9161095F)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvildoorucanim01.nif                                  (0EC8A160)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvildoorucinteriorload01.nif                          (0754787D)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilfgfirstfloor.nif                                  (58D178F0)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilfgsecondfloor.nif                                 (4A00DE5E)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilfgtopfloor.nif                                    (F01B663B)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilfightersguild01.nif                               (2FAAE012)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilhousecavein01.nif                                 (7A183CB5)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilhousegeneric01.nif                                (AC1E3448)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilhousegeneric01_far.nif                            (AC1E3448)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilhousemc01.nif                                     (48C3ED67)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilhousemc02.nif                                     (489FB4D8)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilhousemc03.nif                                     (A3B2FEA7)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilhousemc04.nif                                     (2C58949F)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilhousemcinterior01.nif                             (3728724D)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilhousemcinterior02.nif                             (0ED7E6FC)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilhousemcinterior03.nif                             (4E72F931)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvillcdoor01.nif                                      (3A4F8891)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvillcdooranim01.nif                                  (9063AE20)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvillchouse01.nif                                     (AA621FAF)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvillchouse01interior.nif                             (8CEDD2E4)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvillchouse02.nif                                     (16AC0BFF)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvillchouse02interior.nif                             (531A39A0)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvillchouse03.nif                                     (3B163BB2)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvillchouse03secondfloor.nif                          (5AFE19FB)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvillchousefirstfloor.nif                             (5E0886B3)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvillcstable01.nif                                    (38522129)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvillctavern01.nif                                    (3915A7A2)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvillctaverninterior01.nif                            (966F755D)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvillighthouse01.nif                                  (E85BD289)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvillighthousebaseentrance.nif                        (74203FDE)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvillighthouseinterior01.nif                          (C624FF8D)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvillighthousepainting01.nif                          (5D81F415)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilmagesguild01.nif                                  (AE56A3F3)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilmagesguildinterior01.nif                          (EB7A5EFE)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilmcinteriorbackdoor01.nif                          (9FFCC12F)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilmcinteriorwallpiece01.nif                         (4831573F)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilmgfirstfloor.nif                                  (822580B8)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilmgsecondfloor.nif                                 (0C15D61C)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilplasterpillar01.nif                               (CEB40FF8)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilshutter01.nif                                     (D06A35DD)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilstatuestand01.nif                                 (A0C5C959)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilstreetlamp01.nif                                  (C75156CF)meshes\architecture\anvil\anviltreebenchseat01.nif                               (0BA0C9AA)meshes\architecture\anvil\anviltreecircle01.nif                                  (7AC1C0CE)meshes\architecture\anvil\anviluc02firstfloor01.nif                              (2E7732CC)meshes\architecture\anvil\anviluc02secondfloor01.nif                             (8876A8E9)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilupperclass01.nif                                  (289685F8)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilupperclass02.nif                                  (ED62E719)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilupperclass03.nif                                  (9D16C4EB)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilupperclasshaunted01.nif                           (AC30C3F4)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilupperclassinterior01.nif                          (D0623524)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilupperclassinteriorhaunted01.nif                   (DD5F7795)meshes\architecture\anvil\anvilwell01.nif                                        (41801EFB)meshes\architecture\anvil\arcanesymbol01.nif                                     (10687B7C)meshes\architecture\anvil\benirusdoor01.nif                                      (0E8BD3CA)meshes\architecture\anvil\lighthousebase01.nif                                   (639C44F3)meshes\architecture\anvil\lighthouseladder01.nif                                 (0524FB78)meshes\architecture\anvil\lighthouselight01.nif                                  (A1FABF1E)meshes\architecture\anvil\lighthousetoproom01.nif                                (65F5AEB1)meshes\architecture\anvil\lorgenhand01.nif                                       (D75A9DFB)meshes\architecture\anvil\lorgrenskeleton01.nif                                  (006D4B6A)meshes\architecture\anvil\potlid.nif                                             (C239A519)meshes\architecture\anvil\uc03interiorfirstfloor.nif                             (03B111DD)meshes\architecture\anvil\uc03interiorsecondfloor.nif                            (6BEACDD2)meshes\architecture\anvil\ungrdtransitionfortruinhaunted01.nif                   (B83D450B)

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u gone see
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:38 pm

I really wish I knew what was different about the GOTY version. Did any of the comments suggest solutions?

Nope, I looked through all of them and still no solution
I guess I'm going to use the Pyffi automation tool for the Vanilla Meshes then
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Penny Wills
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:25 pm

If the patches are binary patches (which I'd assume they are) and there's even 1 byte's worth of difference in the GOTY BSA archives, then the patch process should logically fail. Using the patches isn't really necessary these days. Just unpack the BSA and use the most recent PyFFI. Right click on each folder you want done, and go for it. Takes a lot less time than it used to when you don't have to sit through thousands of files by hand. Still best to avoid hitting the creatures/characters folder of course and you need to be mindful of not hitting helmets that have .egm files.
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:02 pm

So that's what caused it
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:29 pm

I am going to note that underneath the link to the patches. I will also add more notes on using PyFFI in general as well.

@Arthmoor: I want to optimizes the QTP3 Blood&Mud meshes. How do I go about checking meshes afterward?
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:32 am

Since my Oblivion is GOTY version, I decided to normally PYFFIying my Oblivion - Meshes.bsa. This is what I do:

1. Copy-pasting Oblivion - Meshes.bsa to separate folder.

2. Unpacking using OBMM.

3. Selecting PYFFI-able folders and PYFFI them all.

Now here's the confusing part:

I finished PYFFIying them all but I don't know what to do. Do I have to copy-paste pyffied meshes to oblivion\data\meshes? or do I have to omod it? or do i have to repackaging it together with other unpyffi-able folders and overwrote original Oblivion - Meshes.bsa?

Thanks in advance.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:58 am

Since my Oblivion is GOTY version, I decided to normally PYFFIying my Oblivion - Meshes.bsa. This is what I do:

1. Copy-pasting Oblivion - Meshes.bsa to separate folder.

2. Unpacking using OBMM.

3. Selecting PYFFI-able folders and PYFFI them all.

Now here's the confusing part:

I finished PYFFIying them all but I don't know what to do. Do I have to copy-paste pyffied meshes to oblivion\data\meshes? or do I have to omod it? or do i have to repackaging it together with other unpyffi-able folders and overwrote original Oblivion - Meshes.bsa?

Thanks in advance.

Do not PyFFI all folders. Under the "Using PyFFI" section I tried to emphasize some warnings against using PyFFI on clothes, fx, files with EGMs (i.e., some helmets and head meshes), and the character and creature folders in general. You may want to skip armor as well. I will try to add more emphasis to that part. This does not mean that you have to re-do the job, just delete the "clothes," "characters" and other folders containing the types of files I just mentioned before you package the newly-optimized "meshes" folder. (It should be backed up, and probably compressed for BAIN or OBMM installation.) I would not just drag it into your data folder because you may overwrite changed meshes (for say a body-replacer or something.)

Edit: These files are not "special." Treat them like you are installing any other mod.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:59 am

This the folders I had PYFFIed beforehand:

1. architectures
2. clutters
3.. dungeons
4. furniture
5. landscape.
6. plants
7. rocks
8. sky

does this correct

well maybe I will unpack my Oblivion - Meshes.bsa again to yet another separate folder. and copy paste pyffied folders to that folder, overwrite all, and repack again to bsa. Is this correct?
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Nany Smith
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:50 am

This the folders I had PYFFIed beforehand:

1. architectures
2. clutters
3.. dungeons
4. furniture
5. landscape.
6. plants
7. rocks
8. sky

does this correct

well maybe I will unpack my Oblivion - Meshes.bsa again to yet another separate folder. and copy paste pyffied folders to that folder, overwrite all, and repack again to bsa. Is this correct?

No need, that list looks fine. I did not know there was a sky mesh folder, haha. Pack those up with OBMM or for BAIN, or simply for safe-keeping. Then, install the package using the respective utility.
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:41 am

No need, that list looks fine. I did not know there was a sky mesh folder, haha. Pack those up with OBMM or for BAIN, or simply for safe-keeping. Then, install the package using the respective utility.

If I do this, does that mean now theres, say, 2 architecture folder on data\meshes\architecture directory(one from my omod/bain and one from original Oblivion - Meshes.bsa)? I wonder if the system won't confuse this or is that what "Reset BSA timestamp" utility for?
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:41 pm

If I do this, does that mean now theres, say, 2 architecture folder on data\meshes\architecture directory(one from my omod/bain and one from original Oblivion - Meshes.bsa)? I wonder if the system won't confuse this or is that what "Reset BSA timestamp" utility for?

Use the reset utility to make sure (uncompressed) data files are loaded instead of their BSA-counterparts. The system loads the newer files. You should just use that reset function every time you install a BSA, and you will not ever have to worry about Oblivion using the older resources.
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:25 am

Ok, all done and just played vanilla and SI with increased 3-5 fps.....great. Now time to pyffiying SI meshes. Thanks for the information!
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jennie xhx
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