I'm now up to 50+ separate python processes using the latest setup described below

. I'm using JOBS=3, to give me enough processor room on my quad core to use Firefox to post this kind of stuff.
Since I'm now using the standard stable versions of everything, I'm at a bit of a loss. I'll try going through the log more thoroughly and hope to find something useful there....
Edit: In the time it took me to write that post, 30+ additional python processes spawned. I'm now over 80

Edit 2: Terminated PyFFI to check the log:
pyffi.toaster:4052:INFO:=== ./in\Vanilla\meshes\creatures\boxtest\skeleton.nif ===
pyffi.toaster:4052:ERROR:TEST FAILED ON ./in\Vanilla\meshes\creatures\boxtest\skeleton.nif
pyffi.toaster:4052:ERROR:If you were runniBip01 R Foot] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:3776:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [Bip01 R Toe0] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:3780:INFO:=== ./in\Vanilla\meshes\creatures\minotaur\eyelidslord.nif ===
pyffi.toaster:3780:ERROR:TEST FAILED ON ./in\Vanilla\meshes\creatures\minotaur\eyelidslord.nif
pyffi.toaster:3780:ERROR:If you were running a spell that came with PyFFI, then
pyffi.toaster:3780:ERROR:please report this as a bug (include the file) on
pyffi.toaster:3500:INFO:=== ./in\Vanilla\meshes\creatures\mudcrab\mud crbeye l00.nif ===
pyffi.toaster:3500:ERROR:TEST FAILED ON ./in\Vanilla\meshes\creatures\mudcrab\mud crbeye l00.nif
pyffi.toaster:3500:ERROR:If you were running a spell that came with PyFFI, then
pyffi.toaster:3500:ERROR:please report this as a bug (include the file) on
pyffi.toaster:3032:INFO:=== ./in\Vanilla\meshes\creatures\mudcrab\mud crbeye r00.nif ===
pyffi.toaster:3032:ERROR:TEST FAILED ON ./in\Vanilla\meshes\creatures\mudcrab\mud crbeye r00.nif
pyffi.toaster:3032:ERROR:If you were running a spell that came with PyFFI, then
pyffi.toaster:3032:ERROR:please report this as a bug (include the file) on
First one got cut off by another thread writing to the log, it seems.
These are certainly something to ask about, but I don't think the number of errors I found is enough to explain it spawning 80+ processes within a few minutes.
Are the above errors anything to worry about, or is that something that's taken care of by later passes of the optimization kit?
Also, still seeking any advice about the process spawning issue. Anything specific I should look for in my log?