Trying to track down a consistent crash-to-desktop issue that I'm getting with my new installation. PyFFI is one of the possible culprits at this time.
Right now I am loading NOTHING other than Oblivion.esm, DLCShiveringIsles.esp, and the unofficial patches, and I get a crash-to-desktop every time I exit the Tutorial Dungeon or use the console to go to any random outdoor location. This is after I have run all the vanilla BSAs through PyFFI, combined together the Oblivion and DLCShiveringIsles BSAs, added in the relevant Unofficial Patch files, and then used BSAOpt to recreate the BSA.
The crashing is definitely due to Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, because when I replace it with the vanilla copy, the crashing stops. So, one (or more) of these four things must be the culprit:
- PyFFI. I'm using Python 2.7.2 x86 with PyFFI 2.1.11 and the PyFFI Optimization Kit.
- BSAOpt. It's possible that something is going wrong when I recreate the BSAs. But, unzipping and rezipping the vanilla BSAs, without otherwise altering them, causes no crash.
- Adding the DLCShiveringIsles BSAs into the Oblivion BSAs. The crash is NOT due to the INI file being set up incorrectly - it it was then Oblvion wouldn't load at all. Maybe the game is hard coded to expect the DLCShiveringIsles BSAs to exist?
- Adding the Unofficial Patch files into the Oblivion BSAs.
I'll continue with my testing to figure out which of the above is the root cause. Does anyone else have prior experience (or advice) that could help me?