; PyFFI version 2.1.3; by Amorilia; PyFFI 2.1.3 uses two config files: default.ini and oblivion_otimize.ini; This is the default.ini; It must be present in the \PyFFI\utilities\toaster\in folder; Instructions; ------------; Always keep un-pyffied backups of the meshes you are going to process!; User needs to change two variables in this file, as necessary for him:; 1. Change the "Oblivion =" path to point to where the \toaster\in folder is located on your PC. ; This is where you will put the meshes or the meshes folder that you want to pyffi.; 2. Under "options", set the number of CPU cores as applicable on your PC.[DEFAULT]Oblivion = C:\Program Files (x86)\PyFFI\utilities\toaster\in;fallout3 = C:\path\to\your\fallout3\nifs;morrowind = C:\path\to\your\morrowind\nifs[main]folder = ./in[options]jobs = 4 ;set this to the number of cores you havesourcedir = ./indestdir = ./outresume = Truepause = True; All credit for PyFFI goes to Amorilia.; File created by Tommy_H on 18.02.2010.; Please advise of any problems with it.
; PyFFI version 2.1.3; by Amorilia; PyFFI 2.1.3 uses two config files: default.ini and oblivion_otimize.ini; This is the oblivion_optimze.ini; It must be present in the \PyFFI\utilities\toaster\in folder; Instructions; ------------; Always keep un-pyffied backups of the meshes you are going to process!; The path which points to the meshes you want to treat is set in the default.ini, not here!; Copy the meshes for treatment in the folder that you have set in the default.ini; Start the PyFFI-fication process by right-clicking the oblivion_optimze.ini file and selecting "Run PyFFI"; Be patient for the run to finish. Depending on the amount of meshes and your PC speed, it may even take several hours.; On a dual core Intel E8400 running at stock 3 GHz, treating some 35 MB of meshes took around 20 minutes.[main]spell = optimizefolder = %(oblivion)s[options]sourcedir = %(oblivion)s; any patterns of files that should be skipped; (without quotes, separate different regular expressions by a space); at the moment:; - skipping hair nifs (vertex ordering!); - skipping roothavok nifs (not sure why, investigating); - skipping any nif that is known to have an egm or tri associated with it; find . -name "*.egm" -or -name "*.tri" | sed 'sX.*/XXg' | sed 'sX.tri$XXg' | sed 'sX.egm$XXg' | sort | uniq | xargs; (not necessary if all egm files are included, such as in vanilla Oblivion,; but some mods only include nifs without egm files, and this makes sure; these cases are handled as well)skip = hair roothavok argoniandecoratedspikes argonianfins argonianjeweledfins argonianridge argonianspikes argonianspines beard blindfold bretonmaletonsure darkelffemalefringe darkelffemaletopknot darkelfmane darkelfmohawk earsdarkelf earsdarkelf_50 earshighelf earshighelf_50 earshuman earshuman_50 earskhajiit earsorc earsorc_50 earswoodelf earswoodelf_50 emperor eyeleftargonian eyelefthuman eyerightargonian eyerighthuman hairdremora hairdremorab hairdremoralord headargonian headhuman headhuman_50 headkhajiit headorc helmet helmetcaptain helmetelite highelffemalebun highelfmaleclassic highelfmalecone highelfmalepeak highelfmalepony hood humanfemalefringes imperialbald imperialheadband khajiitbraid khajiitcommon khajiitdreds khajiitearrings khajiitfeathers khajiitheadband khajiitjeweled khajiitmane khajiitmouth khajiitteethlower khajiitteethupper khajiittongue khajiitwisps mouthargonian mouthhuman nordfemalebunches nordmalebaldpony orcfemalebraids orcfemalebun orcfemalebunches orcfemaleplaits orcheadband orcmaleromantic orcmalestubs orcmaletopknot orcmouth orconebraid orcteethlower orcteethupper orctongue orctwobraids orcupdo redguardfemalecoil redguardfemaledredz redguardmaleclassic redguardmalecornrows style01 style02 style03 style04 style05 style06 style07 teethlowerargonian teethlowerhuman teethupperargonian teethupperhuman tongueargonian tonguehuman woodelffemalefringes woodelffemalepony woodelfmalepony woodelfmalespiky; All credit for PyFFI goes to Amorilia.; File created by Tommy_H on 18.02.2010.; Please advise of any problems with it.