Hi everyone. Sorry for the questions if they were already answered, little time to read all the threads... 4 and 5 have't any.
OBS: I'm using all stated in ( http://cs.gamesas.com/constwiki/index.php/Installing_Blender#Introduction ) so I think I'm up to date... All running in the x64 Win7, if it matter. For safety I use multiple backups for tests, so nothing wrong or lost til now. I'm using Pyffi automator, and my questions are:
1 - Some meshes end with bigger filesizes - is it normal, and really better to use these? or go back to the old smaller ones?
2 - It does try to chance everything, even the ones said as not recomended (creatures, etc). Can I use these in this new pyffi build?
3 - There are meshes, in nifscope, that have animations (real noob, sorry). Can they be pyffied or not recomended? (If no, then to open one by one is loooong, is there any other way to mark/remove then? or a list? example: \Meshes.bsa\meshes\oblivion\architecture\ruins\oblivionbridgeruingate
4 - Already heavy modded. Anything to worry? Pyffiing meshes from a mod already pyffied can cause problems? (Logic says no, but...)
5 - Repacking, is it better to leave umcompressed or to compress (and how much)?
6 - tnx in advance