[main]; run optimize spellspell = optimize[options]; any patterns of files that should be skipped; regex expressionsskip = (?i)(?
oblivion_optimize_2.ini[main]; run optimize spellspell = optimize[options]; any patterns of files that should be skipped; regex expressionsskip =(?i)AQSpout[.]nif; only run on files with these patternsonly = (?i)gnd[.]nif$ (?i)meshes.clutter
The AQSpout.nif entry is there because it caused mopper.exe to crash when I ran the PyFFI test builds.
Compared to the normal skip list, running PyFFI with these will optimize eg. "chair", "beardedaxe" and "brotherhood", also any "*gnd.nif" mesh, and all clutter meshes. These should all be safe to optimize, but as I said I have not tested it enough to be sure.
It will also skip eg. "Hair", "Helmet" and "Hood".
There are still some meshes that it skip, that I suspect could be optimized. eg. some creature meshes with "hair" in the filename.
When I optimized my current install, it made PyFFI skip 472 nifs out of 31,324 nifs (in additon to any .nif that had a .egm or .tri associated), most where helmets, hoods and hairs. Mods installed include All Natural, Artifacts, Better Cities, full FCOM, all UL, EVE and all DLCs.