So Quake Champions

Post » Mon Jun 20, 2016 4:29 am

So What does everyone think of the first Trailer of Quake Champions tailor? It looks like it's going to be arena shooter to me but it seems that each character has different ability a strength and weaknesses . I think that sometimes the head on approach may not be the best course of action if you are playing a weaker more agile character you may be better of sniping or using a long range weapon we will know more when the game play footage is released whatever it should be a cool game.

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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2016 1:03 am

The game doesn't need heroes or abilities, it just needs the characters, nothing more. You get weapons and maps, that's all a good game needs. Fun maps are better than some stupid class based system, there's already team fortress and overwatch for that.

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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:40 am

Agreed with Psicose. If they make Quake into Overwatch, they'll be effectively murdering what quake is for. I still play Quake 3 because I have yet to find a multiplayer experience that I enjoy more. The industry just keeps cranking out titles that try to appeal to everyone by providing everything and it makes clunky games. I love Doom and Quake because they're straight forward...and to me any step away from that is a mistake. Adding classes is dumb....adding characters with...what I assume will be an insane forced back-story would be tedious but I guess we'll see what happens.

Like with the recent Doom, I think they produced a game that's fun on its own while borrowing from themes of the game it calls itself, but when they call it an old-school shooter I think they need to play Doom 1/2/64 again and see what that actually means.

Here again, I expect we'll get an approximation of what we loved, and I imagine it'll be fun, but I don't think they'll carry over a sufficient amount of the simplicity to make it feel as clean and as enjoyable. I'm curious to see what they come up with..but if they restrict modding and only give us snapmap, that'll be another big slap in the face. So much of Quake is about the mods, custom content and endless supply of maps....if they cut all that down...that just gives me another reason to stay in my hobbit hole with Quake 3.

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