» Fri Aug 05, 2011 6:15 pm
Pretty cool things I noticed:
1. Mining requires a pickaxe.
2. Can request bards to play songs in taverns.
3. Alchemy combinations can fail (meaning you can't immediately tell if something will work, or there is a chance of failure).
And most importantly to me:
4. "Take for example the black door adorned with a skull I found near a frigid pond in a rocky recess. When I approached the subdued soundtrack of a tranquil forest was joined by a faint, menacing drum beat. The door spoke to me in an otherworldly whisper while shimmering faintly, and asked if I knew the music of life. I ran through the conversation tree to exhaust all options, answering drums, screaming, some kind of choir. The door promptly declared me to be unworthy and refused to open. I don't know what the correct course of action was, but knowing that oddities like this exist in Skyrim is just as exciting as the knowledge that I'll eventually be able to fight dragons."