No Quakecon Livestream

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:35 pm

my whole problem is, Quakecon is basically THEIR event, lol, I mean- if they're gonna have exclusive content at Quakecon, it's gonna be epic... And we're missing out on it.
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Code Affinity
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:52 am

I know more about games I'm not going to buy. I hope beth can git their heads out of their ass.
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:24 pm

Well, I can only think of one reason. They're scheduled to be at other events with Skyrim after QuakeCon. I can only imagine that they want people to have a reason to go to their booth at places like PAX in September. It still doesn't make a whole lot of sense, though. I'm sure they'd still be flocked with people at those events regardless if they've seen it or not.

Then there's still the fact that an overwhelming majority of us can't go. Do they honestly think we're going to drop our lives and all fly to Texas from wherever we live to see Skyrim... or that there's even enough space for anything above a very miniscule fraction of us, anyway? If they won't even release a video or a live stream (hence most of the world doesn't see it), then what good is the event? It may as well be a private demo for journalists... one of the many in the past half a year.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:42 am

The most logical answer for lack of video and/or streaming content is anything Skyrim at QuakeCon is going to be the PC version, and they've made it clear they don't want that out in the media. So, any of the footage that "bootleggers" will get will be bad footage. Shakey camera, grainy, etc. etc. Thus the console gamers won't realize the better graphics.

That's my theory at least, and I saw a few others comment on this.

But, another reason is that they are just trying to get more people to actually GO to QuakeCon. By the time the event begins, there will be streaming video galore! Here's hoping at least.

Well that could be true, but that would actually make Todd Howard a lier, as he stated at E3 that they tried to make it similar across platforms and that the hardware didn't really restrict them on the consoles. He also said that PC's would be able to run it at a higher resolution but other than that he didn't make it seem there would be much difference.
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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:03 am

The most logical answer for lack of video and/or streaming content is anything Skyrim at QuakeCon is going to be the PC version, and they've made it clear they don't want that out in the media. So, any of the footage that "bootleggers" will get will be bad footage. Shakey camera, grainy, etc. etc. Thus the console gamers won't realize the better graphics.

That's my theory at least, and I saw a few others comment on this.

I doubt that, to be honest. With how many people are angry about no PC footage, you think they'd release some.
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:13 pm

I haven't seen a single pixel of my version, either, and concealment of the PC version has nothing to do with consoles. What a company does or doesn't do is their decision and their decision, alone. If it's due to consoles, explain what the reason for one of the two consoles not having their version shown is. Regardless, that doesn't excuse rude behavior and uncalled-for insults. You want news, you want to see your version. I want news and I want to see my version. I, however, have not resorted to saying you are not a fan of this series. Why should I expect any less of your respect for myself and all others playing the game on a game console?

Nono, your right your right. I failed at specifying that the x-box 360, and Microsoft are the reasons I have not seen my PC content. Though Todd failed to specify himself, when he said consoles. Excuse my blind generalizations. However, failed PR is still too much for me to believe. A lot of time us put into PR. They need to reconsider before crazy bastards start losing their minds and start blindly throwing aroun violent insults a- :)
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:44 am

Nono, your right your right. I failed at specifying that the x-box 360, and Microsoft are the reasons I have not seen my PC content. Though Todd failed to specify himself, when he said consoles. Excuse my blind generalizations. However, failed PR is still too much for me to believe. A lot of time us put into PR. They need to reconsider before crazy bastards start losing their minds and start blindly throwing aroun violent insults a- :)

I... still... untrue... rude... 360RPGplayer, you handle this. I've no doubt he/she is a real fan. One's primary platform simply has no bearing on their... anything, really. It has no bearing on their age, personality, game preferences, etc.
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:50 pm

Then there's still the fact that an overwhelming majority of us can't go. Do they honestly think we're going to drop our lives and all fly to Texas from wherever we live to see Skyrim... or that there's even enough space for anything above a very miniscule fraction of us, anyway? If they won't even release a video or a live stream (hence most of the world doesn't see it), then what good is the event? It may as well be a private demo for journalists... one of the many in the past half a year.

I agree. It still doesn't make sense, but it must be their reasoning.
Like many have said, I know more about games coming out in late 2012 that aren't a fifth as content packed as Skyrim. None of this makes any sense. The Q&A was supposed to be the nod to fans, and it was a joke.

Like I've stated before, I can't think of a better anology than an abusive relationship.
I... still... untrue... rude... 360RPGplayer, you handle this. I've no doubt he/she is a real fan. One's primary platform simply has no bearing on their... anything, really. It has no bearing on their age, personality, game preferences, etc.

I decided to ignore him. I started the series at Oblivion on the 360, some seem to think that makes me less of a fan, even though I have gone back to older games and enjoyed them.
To each their own.
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:22 pm

So far, from what I've seen, they have never been really good on the subject of PR. They either show way too much *cough*New Vegas*cough* or way too little. Or they show it at a completely wrong time! PR is a difficult thing, figuring out what to show and what not to show, when to show things, how and where but damn, it's not THIS difficult. It's like the people in that department think they learned from past mistakes and think they are doing it right this time but instead make the same sort of mistake in a different way.

Marketing is all about getting your product out there, showing it's best qualities and what it's about while still keeping people wanting to find out more about it. This isn't done by showing exactly how the tutorial is done and basically giving a walkthrough that leaves the fans with nothing to discover about the start. This also isn't done by leaving the fans waiting for news for ages. Just a little bit shows the fans that 'yes guys we are still thinking about you. We know it's hard to wait for it so here's a tiny bit to wet and settle your hunger at the same time.' There are millions of fans out there who won't be able to attend certain events, making them feel left out in a certain way.

Lately I've been feeling left out on area's concerning Bethesda. Wether it's not managing to get a collectors edition for NV because it doesn't exist for the PC version in my country (which I'm still pissed about thank you very much) or deliberately being left out on content and then having to watch people on the internet that did manage to go to the event go all "Oh man, it was amazing you so should have been there" on my rear. It's poor marketing, poor PR and plain poor decision making and personally I thought Bethesda would be better since they are pretty good in other departments. I just feel like with every little thing they will promise in the future that I have to wonder "will they actually release it and will they release it in a way that won't ruin it for me." I really don't want to have to stop coming here so I won't be frustrated with the way they handle information on upcoming games. Cause I love coming here and that would make me a sad sad panda.

This! actually would you mind if I posted this in the introduction?
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:40 pm

I know more about games I'm not going to buy. I hope beth can git their heads out of their ass.

Unfortunately, I believe you and know more things about games I'm not going to buy, as well.
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:14 pm

I... still... untrue... rude... 360RPGplayer, you handle this. I've no doubt he/she is a real fan. One's primary platform simply has no bearing on their... anything, really. It has no bearing on their age, personality, game preferences, etc.

Not quite sure what you mean, you may be misunderstanding what I have typed. Todd said that the reason he is releasin xbox footage is because he'd weather have PC gamers be pleasantly surprised instead of consolers being turned off. That is the basis of my arguement with Bethesda, to which my objections proceed: I do not care about console reactions to PC footage, it shouldn't matter.
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:58 pm

Not quite sure what you mean, you may be misunderstanding what I have typed. Todd said that the reason he is releasin xbox footage is because he'd weather have PC gamers be pleasantly surprised instead of consolers being turned off. That is the basis of my arguement with Bethesda, to which my objections proceed: I do not care about console reactions to PC footage, it shouldn't matter.

Well it makes sense, or rather did make sense 7 months from release.
Now we're 4, maybe 3 and a half, and both should have been shown.
This is hardly microsofts fault, this is once again the fault of the PR.
Stop console bashing.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:49 pm

Well it makes sense, or rather did make sense 7 months from release.
Now we're 4, maybe 3 and a half, and both should have been shown.
This is hardly microsofts fault, this is once again the fault of the PR.
Stop console bashing.

3 1/2 months from release and this is starting to become worrisome. Is the game as far along as we've been led to believe?
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Tamika Jett
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:15 pm

I agree. It still doesn't make sense, but it must be their reasoning.
Like many have said, I know more about games coming out in late 2012 that aren't a fifth as content packed as Skyrim. None of this makes any sense. The Q&A was supposed to be the nod to fans, and it was a joke.

Like I've stated before, I can't think of a better anology than an abusive relationship.

I am very curious to what's going on to cause them to be secretive, this much. What did the fans do to Bethesda over Oblivion? It couldn't have been severe enough to cause all this... or could it? :mellow:

Anyway, and on a more serious note, why is Bethesda being so secretive... especially after claiming we would get so much information about Skyrim and hyping us up for future events that turn out in disappointment (Q & A, surprise announcement about the great QuakeCon event that was supposed to please us not being viewable by us, etc.)?
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lucile davignon
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:59 pm

Is the game as far along as we've been led to believe?

Meh, I doubt that.
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Kayla Bee
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:50 pm

3 1/2 months from release and this is starting to become worrisome. Is the game as far along as we've been led to believe?

I am very curious to what's going on to cause them to be secretive, this much. What did the fans do to Bethesda over Oblivion? It couldn't have been severe enough to cause all this... or could it? :mellow:
Anyway, and on a more serious note, why is Bethesda being so secretive... especially after claiming we would get so much information about Skyrim and hyping us up for future events that turn out in disappointment (Q & A, surprise announcement about the great QuakeCon event that was supposed to please us not being viewable by us, etc.)?

I think we'll either see one of 2 things in the near future.
A delay, or a dump of info. Let's hope for the latter appose to the former.
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Bee Baby
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:02 pm

Well it makes sense, or rather did make sense 7 months from release.
Now we're 4, maybe 3 and a half, and both should have been shown.
This is hardly microsofts fault, this is once again the fault of the PR.
Stop console bashing.

Quite a difference between console bashing, and bashing Beth for being overly protective of their audience, however, I'm done! Breathe in the fresh air because I'm done farting around. 1AM and it's sleep.

I better wake up to a change in plans for quakecake, and exclusive psmag Skyrim info.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:48 pm

Meh, I doubt that.

You doubt that the game is almost complete? You say that so casually that I'm not sure if you mean what I think you mean.
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Josh Trembly
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:12 pm

I think we'll either see one of 2 things in the near future.
A delay, or a dump of info. Let's hope for the latter appose to the former.

I hear Bethesda has a history of delaying Elder Scrolls games.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:28 pm

I hear Bethesda has a history of delaying Elder Scrolls games.

Bite your tongue :verymad:
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:40 pm

I know more about games I'm not going to buy. I hope beth can git their heads out of their ass.

I'm not mainly put off by the amount of information (or rather lack thereof) we have gotten so far, but the frequency. To keep the hype alive, you constantly have to put something out, even if it is little new information. And you need to let people know when that will be, so they can mark it in their calendar and get hyped just for that event. Something like a monthly dev. diary since the announcement would have been really great, but shockingly the official site ( contains no information at all, except screens and trailers released elsewhere.
In fact that seems to be their 'PR strategy', selling exclusive rights to magazines, which then give conflicting information and Beth has to clean up the mess.

I am really disappoint. The hunt and wait for anything new about Skyrim does not serve to keep me interested, it is just frustrating.
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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:38 pm

You doubt that the game is almost complete? You say that so casually that I'm not sure if you mean what I think you mean.


I meant I doubted that it wasn't almost done.
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:08 pm

That was a pretty silly argument, no offense to Summer.

This isn't a concert where the live show IS the product. It's a live show meant to build hype FOR the products. If you pay to attend, you pay to see the devs in-person.

Hell, even sporting events are streamed live.

It was merely a passing thought as I closed the thread. But really, there would be not much point in going if I could sit home and watch it on the internet. It's the same as exclusives with magazines. If they posted those screenshots on the home page and all the info on the home page then why would someone go buy the magazine. It's why folks publish magazines and why they have showing of games at events such as this one.

I would imagine after a time, there will be much of the info available for us. But first the media will have their chance to go to this event and write reviews and tell us all about what they saw. Those who live in the area and go will also be able to share their experience. It's pretty much how it's always been. The media, the folks that go to things like E3 and QuakeCon and all such events get the info first and it soon after trickles down to us.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:00 pm

It was merely a passing thought as I closed the thread. But really, there would be not much point in going if I could sit home and watch it on the internet. It's the same as exclusives with magazines. If they posted those screenshots on the home page and all the info on the home page then why would someone go buy the magazine. It's why folks publish magazines and why they have showing of games at events such as this one.

I would imagine after a time, there will be much of the info available for us. But first the media will have their chance to go to this event and write reviews and tell us all about what they saw. Those who live in the area and go will also be able to share their experience. It's pretty much how it's always been. The media, the folks that go to things like E3 and QuakeCon and all such events get the info first and it soon after trickles down to us.

This is why I don't care too much. We'll get all of the info anyways.
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Markie Mark
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:40 pm

I'm not mainly put off by the amount of information (or rather lack thereof) we have gotten so far, but the frequency. To keep the hype alive, you constantly have to put something out, even if it is little new information. And you need to let people know when that will be, so they can mark it in their calendar and get hyped just for that event. Something like a monthly dev. diary since the announcement would have been really great, but shockingly the official site ( contains no information at all, except screens and trailers released elsewhere.
In fact that seems to be their 'PR strategy', selling exclusive rights to magazines, which then give conflicting information and Beth has to clean up the mess.

I am really disappoint. The hunt and wait for anything new about Skyrim does not serve to keep me interested, it is just frustrating.

Regardless of their reasons and PR tactics, I guess the main reason I, personally, am upset about this QuakeCon fiasco is because for the past couple weeks, I saw Gstaff and Pete post about how great and new the stuff at QuakeCon was going to be only to find out, only a few hours ago, that we'll be seeing none of it. It's as if they blatantly lied to us and raised our hopes only to crush them or changed/finalized their plans for streaming/recording at the last minute.
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