AusGamers. Good read! AusGamers. Good read!
Good stuff, it shed a little more light on the Special system. So far all that we have confirmed is that "You cant jump from 4 to 10 in strength", but the fact that he felt the need to make the example that dramatic was a little concerning.
Sounds like you can choose between taking a perk or increasing your S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
Seem like a no brainier about jumping from 4 2 10 right? each item animated by a Pip-Boy demonstrating a moving visual representation of the specific perk...I liked his too.
Yeah, I was going to ask in this thread for clarification regarding that bit. Sounds like my original interpretation was true...
Well, there were limits to the perk in Fallout 3, and the game had a level cap, so I think it's changed quite a bit.
I'm not a fan. I think it's going to get old fast.
I wonder how balanced the game is towards a "no special increase" run compared to one where you actively choose special over the perks themselves.
I also wonder how mod-able this system is. I'm fine with Beth leaning more towards the easygoing side of things so long as I'm capable of pushing things more towards my cup of tea on the harder side.
Kinda reminds me of the videos Bioshock and Irrational dide RE Plasmids. A short introductory black and white video that kinda reminded me of fallout showing 'Shock' or 'burn' or the varied other Plasmids.
Exactly as I suggested in thread! Note that the full set of skills, with regards to where they are on the perk chart, is due to be revised a little later today
From what I understand, we can choose perks in any order. And so you would not need to have taken any previous perks listed under any given stat (as you were forced to do in Skyrim). Instead, as long as you have enough points in the relevant stat, you are given total freedom to choose what you want.
So say if we have 5 strength, we could pick any of the perks up to 5 (so a choice of 5) and then if our strength later goes up to 6, wed get a choice of one more?
The way Im seeing that shart is that there are 70 perks. One for each stat up to 10. 70 is plenty of variety.
This is what I understand, and it would make perfect sense. Also, as I have detailed on my thread, I believe that the individual icons for each of the 7 stats will function the same as the 'intensive training' perk from Fallout 3. And so if we choose one of these instead, the respective stat increases by one point, but we sacrifice being able to choose a regular perk for that level up. But this will allow us to choose a wider range of perks from that point onwards.
If I'm right, I think this is actually an awesome move on Bethesda's part!
EDIT: I'm sure you meant to say 'chart' lol. That typo is going down in the hall of fame
What I suggested in my thread is the each of the 13 skill bobbleheads would give you one free rank in the respective skill perk. This would be very useful, especially if we wouldn't normally have been able to choose that perk because of our stats.
But the catch is that we would need to find the bobbleheads first. Although this would be one hell of a good reason to look for them...
article says 270 perks. that's a big improvement, fallout 3 and NV had terrible perks and there were very few of them. 300 is a great number.
My only hope is that its moddable. if the perks svck, or the system svcks, we should be able to fix it. They completely [censored] us on this in Skyim, lets hope they don't bury it in the encrypted executable this time around.
Closest thing to a real Shadowrun game on console. I am entirely comfortable with this system, now I just wonder how high the level cap is.
I would imagine it would be fairly high just based on the huge flexibility of this system. And the fact that the levels now will be much more organic, rather than being tied to any perks.
What I love most is that I can now put together a sniper build and actually have the 'Sniper' perk right off the bat, as long as I have an 8 in Perception, which I will make sure I do
Looks like my 400 hours of research was worth it after all!
YongYea also said that some of the perks you could take multiple times. Im guessing one will just give you more HP and another might give you more money.
Which still sounds terrible to me. I liked the idea of being able to be a genius ditz or weak but skilled and things like that. Now it seems like the freedom to do that is gone.
I think we're actually being given a lot more freedom this time round. Especially considering none of the perks (including 'skill perks') would be tied to any specific level.
Using your example, we could still go down the 'Albert Einstein' route if we wanted to. Being scatterbrained would imply something more like a low Perception score, and possibly even a low Charisma score. And so adding to this a 'genius level IQ' by choosing a 10 in Intelligence would fit perfectly.
Also, with regards to possibly being 'weak but skilled', I have some important amendments to make to my skills thread (full revision and update will come shortly), that will actually make this option far more viable