Quality Setting

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:01 am

Okay I haven't played Oblivion in ages. I've just recently installed it after a long time of absence. That being said, after installing the game it automatically puts me at "Low quality" I remember before when I was able to select "Low, medium, high, very high, ultra, etc. I also do not understand why it puts me at low quality when the last I re-call playing I was at ultra high and running the game smooth without lag. Anyway, I'm sure my cpu can handle it fine. I was wondering if anyone can tell me how to pick my setting quality? Thank you.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:44 am

Your CPU is only in SECOND place when it comes to deciding how a game runs. Graphics is the quality that is in consideration, and CPUs have Zero to do with game-capable GPUs' operations. If you have a low quality graphics solution, then you get the matching game settings, but Oblivion id nearly five tears old now, so wjat was Low End back then is now aboriginal!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:43 am

Your CPU is only in SECOND place when it comes to deciding how a game runs. Graphics is the quality that is in consideration, and CPUs have Zero to do with game-capable GPUs' operations. If you have a low quality graphics solution, then you get the matching game settings, but Oblivion id nearly five tears old now, so wjat was Low End back then is now aboriginal!

Ignore my misuse of terms. What I mean is back then, on the same machine, I was running the game under Ultra High. Back then it also said it recommended me on low settings. Before my response was the game was having trouble reading my specs or something to that nature. My question was why I couldn't select ultra high etc. Figured it out, turns out I had to download the patch in order to get those settings. I'm running it on ultra high again and there's zero issues or lag. Problem solved. Sorry for the thread.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:21 am

THe quality presets were added to the launcher.exe with the first patch --- in order to also add the Ultra low setting for Nvidia FX cards that had shader problems --- If you are running the Launcher.exe from the DVD it will not have those presets (Not sure if they are added in the latest patch also or not ) -- I use the Launcher from my HDD and it does have them but also have a version on a second install that does not have them so not sure if it is due to having added the first patch originally on one and going directly to the final patch on the second install.

Anywayhttp://www.4shared.com/file/0DM-Kr8s/OblivionLauncher.html -- is a copy of the launcher that does have the presets (don't think they'll mind me posting it since it is part of the patches and will not launch anything without the game files !)

Also do you happen to have an ATI 57xx series card ? -- If so the games autodetect will detect it as an Old Nvidia FX57xx series card by mistake and set everything to ULTRA LOW and shut off seeral of the shaders which makes the game look terrible and unstable (since it thinks it is an Nvidia card and not an ATI card) --- but using the launcher to reselect ULtra High instead will correct the issue (I have to do this each time I update my video drivers with my 5770 !)
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