No, it's not specifically for gaming... not at all. I've always played games to the limit that our (my household's) PCs have allowed. Luckily, I've never needed powerful PCs to play Baldur's Gate, Civilization, and Sims games. According to these kind people here, Windows 7 PCs all come with DX11 capabilities, regardless of whether video cards support them or not. No, it's not an irony. I love technology... as in I love technology. I love the thought of its progression, I love its rapid change, I'm infatuated by the thought of efficient energy, advanced space flight, and viable biotechnologies. I spend much of my free time researching these types of things. Medical technology is doing pretty well, currently. Growing organs in labs from a patient's own cells (to prevent tissue rejection) is within the realm of possibility. Why wouldn't I be impressed? I live in a technological age where 3D virtual gameworlds are able to be rendered in real time and I'm on a video game forum for one such game while contemplating majoring in computer sciences. Just by taking a step back and actually thinking about how all of this is possible, I give a moment of appreciation to these technologies. In a nutshell, yes, I do love technology.
Now, why the hostility? Have I said something to offend you? My computer doesn't do what my PS3 does. It's a fact... and not one I necessarily relish. I've always divided my play time between the two pretty evenly. It's just that my PCs have never been on even ground with my consoles, but I've found different games I like to play on both and, as games get older, I get them for relatively more powerful PCs rather than lug around five different consoles to play said games on when my current PC is perfectly capable of doing so. In the past, I'd been very disappointed when a PC of ours wasn't capable of playing a new PC. I still am now. If I hated PCs, I would not be using one to type this, if that is the impression you were under. If not, then what is the problem? Not everyone's PCs are even as capable as their consoles. Why should that fact be difficult to bear?
Because it's irrelevant?
The average PC is *not* a gaming PC. Comparing consoles and office PCs is apples and oranges, they're trying to perform completely different tasks in completely different ways.
You cannot go out and buy new hardware that is weaker than a console and marketed for gaming. There are office class cards designed pretty much entirely to drive office suites and HD video, and then there are mid end gaming cards that pretty much max everything out.
That's the thing about PCs, of course, they don't have to do what you don't want them to do. If you bought a PC not designed for heavy gaming, the fact it cannot do heavy gaming is in no way a bad thing - it's a good thing. The best of things.
edit: RE: 64bit;
IE in Win64 is 64bit - there is no decent 64bit flash. Youtube falls back onto HTML5 video where flash is not available - most services don't. I highly suggest you move to a 32bit build of any other browser. While WoW64 is near-perfect, add-ins to applications is one area it cannot translate.