Oh I'm sure modders will do tons of amazing work with TES5, but I would personally like to see MORE come with the vanilla game. I'm nit picky and greedy.

But, if PC users are truly only 10% of Beth's market like Todd (I believe) has stated, then I guess we are lucky to be even getting a PC version. Which, is sort of sad. I mean without the success of Arena and Daggerfall as PC only titles, they'd not be where they are today. But times have changed perhaps, and PC users shouldn't feel "entitled" I suppose.
As do I. Vanilla shouldn't have to be "fixed" by modders.
To say that we are lucky to even get a PC version is a bit ridiculous though. If they don't want to put the time into making it perform the way it should perform on a PC or take full advantage of the hardware (as they are doing with the console(s)). Then they should just cut the PC version all together. Even with mods for Oblivion the game is still annoying with its damn tabbed menus, and other things. If modders are given more control in Skyrim then that would be great. If they don't want to waste the time to do it properly then I guess the modders will do it (some people enjoy fixing things, if given full control to do so). I just wish the modders could create, instead of have to fix.
I'm glad Rockstar didn't port RDR to PC. If GTA IV is any indication to what would have been. Then no thank you. The only reason I can tolerate playing Oblivion is the fact that I love the dungeon crawls/exploration and some of the small exciting (deadra quests, finding some guys dairy in an abandoned house, etc.) side quests. Just about everything in between reeks of a poorly ported PC version (horse turning, tabbed UI, quit crashes, alt tab, 8 hotkeys, etc.). I hate sounding so negative all the time. But, damn I love some of the things in Oblivion (as stated above, I have 60+ hours in it atm 2nd play-through). I just hope that Skyrim will actually have care being put into the PC version more so than Oblivion.
I just wish it was more about the art and creativity. Not ALL about money. Peoples gotta eat though, amirite? Ugh. Maybe I'll just have stay away from the AAA multiplatform games from on. We'll see.