» Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:02 am
It's a common misconception that (Exclusive) PC games are developed for the "State of the Art" platform. Because Development of Skyrim started around 5 years ago, no matter what platform it was released on, it had to be developed to run on hardware at least 5 years old. Every game developed is "Held back" by at least one generation of hardware, even PC games.
That said, as a primarily console player, it's not just for the PC, but all cross-platform development hurts the other platforms some way or another, but you could carve the greatest sculpture on the dark side of Europa, and if nobody ever gets to appreciate it, what good did it do? Bringing your creation to the largest number of people, at an overall high-standard of quality is more befitting for an art. And don't kid yourselves, games are a form of art.
Now, I have to hand it to PC gamers, their steadfast devotion to the superficial is really inspiring. When the fact of the matter is, the vast, vast majority of the innovation coming out of the gaming medium is on independent flash-games and the like, that run on something less complicated than the 400 line of Nvidia cards, it really should spell out the logical fallacy of the "Graphical arms race" that is the basis for PC gaming.
And that's all I'm gonna say on that subject.