I think his texture pack was a work of art, and I was happy with every single texture he did. The only thing that comes close is nmc's texture pack for fallout 3. Which also had fantastic art for the setting.
The pc version will have slightly higher resolution textures, which will look slightly better again because of anisotropic filtering. That said, they will still for the most part be the same textures the 360 version uses. Todd said that oblivion had higher quality textures than the console versions, and this is true, but it was minimal. The reason it looked better on pc was the texture mods, resolution, aa, and then OBGE later down the track.
So yes, I sincerely hope someone as talented as the creators above manages to get a texture pack for skyrim. Because they are some supremely rough textures right there.
Also, skyrim will apparently use direct x 11, this means that with a lot of work, someone EXTRA talented might be able to get some tessellation going on.
Which would be the best thing ever.
Thats cool I never used texture packs on Fallout 3 or New Vegas because of its gray dusty look but it sounds good.
On Oblivion I use custom Nvidia settings for the game to max it to the highest settings you can go to. With custom Nvidia setting on a game you can go be on the limits and make a game the super beautiful .
Using Custom Nvidia settings their are about 15 different ways to set your computer to max the game farther then its limits like using both Antialiasing and HDR lighting together, Oblivion will not allow you to use both HDR and antialiasing together.
but on Nvidia custom setting you can force the Antialiasing and pick HDR lighting in the game to have both working for a super looking game.
I have Oblivion on both X-box 360 on HDTV and on my PC and the difference is like night and day with the PC way better, sharp and deep colors.