Anyone into quantum physics? Some fluid dynamics people are simulating quantum behavior using liquids like silicon oil. These experiments show "pilot wave" behavior, where a droplet interacts with its own disturbance of the surface as it bounces along, and this affects the way it moves.
At the start of the discovery of quantum physics, people settled on one particular interpretation, which has certain assumptions about how "real" things are. That is, whether at the most basic level, the fabric of reality is "blurred" across probabilities. This is what Einstein was complaining about when he said "The Old One does not play dice". But he never was able to defeat this interpretation, and (broadly speaking) it's still the most popular way of looking at things.
However, pilot-wave quantum physics does not make those assumptions. So it is interesting to see a pilot-wave system appear in these experiments where it can be studied in real life for once. Maybe something will come of it in terms of improved mathematics for quantum physics. This interpretation has been unpopular in the past.
Einstein had amazing instincts for physics. It is generally considered a shame that he spent so much of his later life beavering away at his relativistic field theory to unify electromagnetism with gravity. It's thought his reluctance to accept the probabilistic principle hampered him from making progress (I believe). Anyway, it will be payback for him if this line of thought that he started out someday leads to revising assumptions about reality.
Anyway, are you interested in the quantum realm at all?