Another Scripting question.
I need to have a quest stage advance when the PC is hit by a spell from a specific NPC
I have an exsisting Script for something simular but as the script is attached to the NPC it would not work for the PC.
Existing script that won't work for desired effect but ;
ScriptName ExampleQuestTrigger Extends ObjectReferenceActor Property PlayerRef AutoQuest Property QUEST AutoMagicEffect Property SPELL AutoEvent OnMagicEffectApply(ObjectReference akCaster, MagicEffect akEffect) if (akCaster == PlayerRef && akEffect == SPELL) QUEST.SetStage(30) GoToState("Disabled") endifEndEventState Disabled Event OnMagicEffectApply(ObjectReference akCaster, MagicEffect akEffect) EndEventEndState
I can't attach the script to the player. I could create a unique use once spell but don't know how I would apply it to the spell to setstage when it is cast upon the PC.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you