I am trying to let my follower unlock an object when I press a certain key. To achieve that I created 2 aliases in a quest and set them empty and optional. The alias for the actor gives the actor a package which says the actor to go to the locked object to make it look like she actually unlocked it. The alias for the object is working as intended as the door or chest always gets unlocked correctly. So it is indeed filling. But the alias for the actor is not filling as my follower is never going to the locked object (using the package).
The relevant script part:
Scriptname FeyriaLockpickingScript extends Quest [...]ReferenceAlias Property FeyriaLockpickObjectAlias autoReferenceAlias Property FeyriaLockpickActorAlias auto Event OnInit()RegisterForCrosshairRef()EndEvent Event OnCrosshairRefChange(ObjectReference ref)If refFeyriaLockpickObjectAlias.ForceRefTo(ref)EndIfEndEvent Event OnKeyDown(int KeyCode)[...]FeyriaLockpickActorAlias.ForceRefTo(FeyriaTywele)FeyriaTywele.EvaluatePackage()FeyriaLockpickObjectAlias.GetReference().lock(false)FeyriaLockpickObjectAlias.Clear()FeyriaTywele.RemoveItem(Lockpick)FeyriaLockpickingSuccessMessage.Show()[...]EndEvent
The package onEnd script fragment:
Screenshot of the Actor alias: http://i.imgur.com/MFeYYm6.jpg
Screenshot of the package: http://i.imgur.com/0DlI0Rx.jpg
I hope someone can help me here.