Cpl. William Faber's request for my character to fix his Food Processor cannot be completed. Every time I attempt to finish it, with all the necessary items on me, it says I do not have the items required to complete the quest.
I did not get the items from the Handy Tools building as he indicated I could, but instead gathered or stole them from around the Mojave.
Some help would be great thanks.
That is interesting. i think it should not matter where you get the parts from, either having them on you or going to the appointed quest location should not make any difference, unless there is a specific trigger event like a bunch of rad scorpions pop out when you open the box or something. Even still the quest should have been designed with a "special gimmick" that can only be found in the building as indicated. Perhaps a patch for this quest is necessary or as some smart asses will inevitably reply, " do the quest as indicated and Please continue, my good sir.", but as of now i would guess the latter point is one that should be taken. Not sure how to point this out to the developers to fix but maybe you know, in the mean time maybe reload and do it according to the request to close it out until a fix is made.
It is similar to the ranger quest in FO3 where you have to have a fusion battery to operate the elevator, for that quest it did not matter where you got the battery from you just had to have one. Why this one is different is probably an oversite by the developers.