Quest Bug: Trouble Brewin'

Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:36 pm

There is a bug in the quest Trouble Brewin' that is really annoying. I've been waiting in Goodneighbor for 7-8 ingame days and the robot still has not appeared. I thought the patch would fix that but I guess i was wrong.

All I ask is that this bug be fixed or in the very least tell me where to find the robot so I can get the quest over with.


I've seen about 5 other post about this but all of them sadly where of no help.

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Iain Lamb
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 11:47 am

Hi Layman,

I have had this same problem,

what happened to me is that, as soon as I left the brewery basemant I fast traveled forgetting about the quest thinking buddy would get to the hotel by his self,

and this is what happened to the buddy either he died on the way to the hotel then d-spawned, or he de-spawned as soon as I fast traveled leaving the zone.

his map marker is still on the map, when I go to the marker then it pops up at goodneighbor.

I know I svcks to hear but you will have to load a past save even if there is a patch if he is dead or d-spawned from the game there is no way he will show back up.

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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:40 pm

It did not de-spawn it just moved to a random location. I have played both the ps4 and PC version and came across the same issue on both. (Did it on PC to test my theory) . Once I came across the same issue on the PC I used the Command Prompt, with the following command: moveto 17429b and found him at the very right bottom corner of the map. That is someplace he should not be. Now I can not say the same for PS4 but I'm almost 100% sure the Drinkin' Buddy did not just de-spawn. Basically I do still think a patch can fix it. If it will be done or not is another issue.

Hope I am not coming across as rude I'm not trying to insult you in any way but i'm just 100% sure the Drinking Buddy just de-spawned.

Edit: If he was to de-spawn that would be a huge game flaw. if was meant to de-spawn after completing Trouble Brewin' it would no longer be in the game, deleted if you will.

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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 2:47 pm

When I came across this bug it made me think of new vegas when ed-e would in de-spawn from the game while still being considered as a companion,

the way it was patched was by adding a terminal somewhere that force all companions to return back home,

but in almost all cases ed-e would still be gone from the game.

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