Though Skyrim is an excellent game, there are many buggy quests awaiting for discovery. One of those quests is a miscellaneous quest which instructs you to visit the shrine of Azura and speak with Aranea Ienith about the shrine. I managed to complete the quest without any issues at first but then it got awkward. At one random point wandering around I saw a person and went to talk to her. She told me to visit the shrine of Azura once more. I didn't put much attention to it at first however later on I went to investigate, and what did I find, Aranea had a triangle above her next to the shrine but the conversation options are as the quest is already completed.
So, now I see a completed Azura quest in my logbook and also an incomplete quest to visit the Shrine. I know it's not that Major bug, but I'm a perfectionist when it comes to RPG's and it just annoys me.

Is there any way I could delete that quest off the log or set it to complete through command console?
Yeah, I was also thinking about loading a saved game previous to the point when I met the wanderer who told me about the shrine again, but as I only used 2 saved games, the saved game prior to the event would be the beginning of the game, in the prisoner carrier.

Best wishes,