Quest Bugs or ability to remove a quest.

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:26 pm

Was wondering if the ability to remove a broken quest from your journal would be under consideration or are we supposed to just log every quest bug we come to in these forums and hope that some developer reads it and adds it to a list?

I have run into a few when exploring the lands and clearing out a dungeon or cave only to have a quest given for that particular place later that can no no longer be completed or removed from my list.

An example would be Cragslane Cavern....I came upon this place on my way to Riften. I cleared it out and then later when I finally reached Riften was given the miscellaneous quest "Disrupt the Skooma Trade" that was appaprently at Cragslane Cavern.

I returned to the Cavern to find 1 mob repopped outside...killed him....1 at the inside entrace...killed him....and the apparent "boss mob" in his spot....killed him....all other mobs in the cave had not respawned and the quest will not update as finished. I have gone back a few times after long periods of being away in hopes it would update or something to no avail.

If we can not complete the quests like this and are "as intended" it would be nice to have the ability to remove those quests from our journals.

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hannah sillery
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