It seems very strange to me the things which users tend to get worked up about. You are very irritated about fast travel and quest markers, but you are all for a world where you can lockpick a tumbler lock using a screwdriver as a tension wrench? Not to mention these features don't prevent you from doing anything. Particularly fast travel, you determine your difficulty. If you don't use it then it might as well not exist. I think what is bothering you is that OTHER people can use it. I am sure many other people like myself have full time occupations and have a very limited amount of time to devote games. While walking 10 miles in a video game might help me enjoy immersion it would be that much less of my time that i can devote to the game before i had other responsibilities. As to over abundance of stimpacks and ammo, i play on hard difficulties and enjoy them immensely. I like a challenge, not frivolous walking. I am not trying to insult you i think this my come off a bit derogatory, i am trying to say i cannot see your viewpoint, not at all, perhaps as minor annoyances but none of these seem remotely close to game breaking problems. Quite simply i feel that you are making a mountain out of a molehill.
Where did I say I was against fast-travel?
I'm not
against it, just think it should be tweaked.
It's not bothering me that other people can use it.
It's bothering me that I feel
forced to have a big arrow guide me when I clearly do not want it.
If other's like a feature then I can respect their opinion enough to say I don't mind it if they can use that feature.
But what about those who don't like it?
So you liked that the game showered you with healing items and ammo?
Well, good that you liked it I guess, but a lot of us hated it and had to force ourselves to limit ourselves in order to have
some form of challenge.
It's not a good design to shower the player with items.
And it's not a good design to create a game where the player has to limit him/herself.
We shouldn't have to limit ourselves to have a challenge, it's up to the devs to create better difficulty modes.
I'm not saying that these problems are the end of the world.
But if it's an easy thing to fix then why not do it?
We on the consoles can't play with mods, we don't have that same freedom.
We have to ask for things to be put in the vanilla game or add-ons.
So, I'm [censored]ing and whining my ass off here and hope they do put it in the game.

And yes I am very complicated with what I like and don't like.

But if we say like this, if you were to ask me what kinda fallout game I'd like next I'd point at Fallout 1 and say "Pretty much like that."
But I do agree that I might be over-reacting a bit.