» Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:24 pm
Generally, not having the quest exclamations is a good thing, and having to talk to NPCs at random to get them is good, just so you don't feel like you're playing the system. But I think there should be *some* reward for talking to NPCs....
I'm a huge fan of Final Fantasy/Sakaguchi games (Lost Odyssey is one of the best RPGs ever IMO), but it can feel punishing to have to speak to 100 NPCs who each have but 1 sentence to say, in order to find 1 hidden quest. On the other hand, DA:Origins did a good job of making talking to people being a rewarding experience... you got history, lore, politics, news, and quests from NPCs, if you didn't get a quest you didn't feel cheated because you got a worthwhile conversation out of them. That said, you don't want every Imperial on the street to start warbling on for 10 mins. Fallout3 had a great balance, because I *wanted* to speak to NPCs, they had well written personalities. I'm sure Skyrim will be just as good.