Having played numerous RPG games and by being a big fan of. The Elder Scrolls series.
One of the questions that spring to my mind is that while playing through Oblivion, I personally missed the Quest Exclamations seen in other RPG′s at times.
Spending time hunting down a NPC was some of the most tidisome activity in game.
Not that I did not like the green point in the compas, but sometimes i just would have wanted a little more something.
So therefor i decided to make this poll to see if others was feeling the same as me.
One of the things i find helpfull in games are Quest Exclamations on the mini map. Pointing me to new or completed quests waiting to be turned in.
With the magnitude of Oblivion in mind, starting out by running to talk to each and any NPC, ( sometimes more than once bechause of forgetfullness.)
In order to collect quests for my further travels / explorations, kind of takes much unnecessary time from my actual game time. Does any of you have the same experience ?.
I hope that you will keep the discussion kleen and constructive.