start of with the pocked guide to the empire, both and editions. the great for getting familiar with the major events of the world. by the time you are done you should have an idea of which part of lore interests you the most, be it the dwemer, the psijics, or the argonians. when you know what you like read all about it (the library has a great search function). this specific research will inevitably branch out until you are familiar with all of tamriel on some basic level.
remember that the individual guides and scholars guild articles are great sources of information on certain topics.
dont try to read all the books in a section back to back, its pretty boring (ive tried).
for the sake of your well being, stay away from metaphysics. its much easier to learn once you have a good background (the very first lore book i read were vivec's sermons, fried my brain and learned nothing in the process).
hope that helps

above all, have fun!