An Immersive lore story line expansion, with Role Playing Game infused in its very core!
While we all enjoyed Oblivion, I think we can all agree that there was something missing from the formula. Choices and Consequences, memorable and interesting characters, quest diversity,more than one perspective, and a multitude of RPG elements. However with this mod there exists these beacons of light. They may be hidden by adversity, politics, stereotypes, fear, and hatred but.... If you can find these beacons and nurture their growth you can bring the light of diversity, intrigue, emotion, and understanding back to Cyrodiil!
This is a quest mod which takes elements from lore, past elder scrolls games, and quality western RPGs to bring you a completely new and improved questing experience!
1: Proper implementation into your game world. No giant buildings suddenly popping up in populated areas of cyrodiil, no sudden quest updates, no NPCs hunting you down to tell you about some grand opportunity. This mod will have no immediate impact on your world, there are countless things for you to do in this mod, but they are all for you to discover... not be forced on you.
2: New join-able guilds with quests and advancement systems unlike any other Oblivion guild.
3: More than 15,000 lines of dialogue
4:New, and interesting characters to meet, and develop alongside through dialogue, quests, and their reactions to both. Also we understand that aesthetics important like dialogue and gameplay; as such seeing as how the mod centers around the characters you meet we offer several facial options so you can customize your new friends and enemies to your liking.

5:Massive replayability thanks to a very non-linear and responsive quest and story structure.
6: Dozens of quests with diverse objectives, and ways to achieve them so the mod remains fresh all the way through, and even after.
The Shivering Isles DLC. Nothing else!
2:, (Spoiler Warning!) l | | l l l | | | l l (EXTREME spoiler warning!)
Works with pretty much all known mods, With the exception of some issues that may arise with mods that make significant changes to cities. In most cases these are easily fixed, or a patch exists for it.
Now that I got your attention, did I mention the name of the mod is Integration: The Stranded Light? You may have heard of it, it's that mod that had two big requirements that changed your gameplay. Well that's no longer the case, now the only requirement is Shivering Isles as I said above, and you can choose to have no gameplay changes. So if you haven't experienced the great quest experience of The Stranded Light yet there's little reason not to now!
Also I apologize if I got any Integration fans excited at the prospect of a similar mod

the esp name has changed. In this variation it is: "bgIntegrationIntegratedEV.esp" Patches and BOSS placement should be fine, just the esp name likely needs to be changed. For mod users with patches or add-ons you can do this with wrye bash by checking the esp's masters and changing RBP/LAME/Integration masters to the Integrated esp file instead.
Possible isolated plugins with their own unique features and expansions on story/characters
Details, and background of features
Version 1.0 has been released as 4-11-11, with this the mod is finished, any further updates will be bug fixes, isolated add-ons, or technical updates.
In total, Integration: The Stranded Light offers more than 80 quests, five guilds, although of course not all quests are part of guilds. Additionally a whole lot of features, that will enhance Cyrodiil greatly.
An important aspect of Integration: The Stranded Light is discovery. A lot of mysteries and surprises are waiting for you to be found and solved. Over eighty quests. Five guilds, of which two are in direct conflict with each other. Choices and consequences. Very dialog heavy, including dialog trees, arguing and a lot more you won't see in Vanilla Oblivion. Use of the "Telvanni Tileset" and other resources for some unique places. The riddle of a lost city will play a role.
Changing the face of Cyrodiil sounds easy - just take a look at the smoldering ruins of Kvatch. How about changing the world for the better, for once? Every organisation begins small, with just a little headquarters somewhere. Though if you succeed in helping a guild to grow, attracting new members, an expansion may happen. Maybe an outpost here or there? What if their goal goes even further? There's enough unclaimed land on Cyrodiil's map for experiments!
Integration: The Stranded Light offers even more than guilds and quests. You'll get to know a lot of people, some better than others. And you may also get one of them interested in getting to know you better - a reciprocal relationship, developing according to your actions, and your reactions to the actions of others. And a (con-)quest for itself, because just winning the friendship of a Daedroth* is not an easy task, even more so delving into dark secrets some may be hiding. Do not expect an easy or early victory, if you choose to walk on this path.
(* = singular of Daedra)
The quests in Integration: The Stranded Light are not your usual hack&slay business: One goal was to add those kind of quests to Oblivion, that I felt missing. Those that require some thinking. Or have to be solved by other means than swords. Offering a multitude of different solutions.
What can you expect when playing Integration: The Stranded Light? The most important goal of this mod is to bring in new (although some would say "missing") kinds of quests into The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Quests with multiple solutions, using skills and accomplishments in dialogs, riddles and other possibilities to think.
Spoilery features:
- remember Morrowind's "Guild Guide" travel system? Now you can institute one in Cyrodiil too!
- memorable challenges and rewards, thanks to using LAME's resources and scripts.
- believeable unique NPCs. Your actions can even change some of their lifes!
- a lot of dialog, often taking into account your deeds, skills or other characteristics.
- similar to the "Guild Guide" other features are there to enrich the world, e.g. the new guild's HQ can also be used as a new home.
- a lot of unique quests, not following Bethesda's tired formulas.
- and, of course, even more. A lot more. Enough spoilers for now!
-bg2408 for making the actual mod
- thanks to Bleral for all the new resources: Paintings, furniture, book arts, faction and quest icons, all are his work! Many thanks!
- JonSatriani, Plangkye and kalikut for the Telvanni Tileset Modders Resource
- Speckledguar, MEO, Razorwing for the updated Telvanni Tileset Modders Resource
- Phitt for the fishtanks
- Mur_Zik for the sixy Walk animation.
- trollf for his Solaris and Chrono Staffs.
- kalikut for the cauldrons.
- Xiamara and Dkhoster for the Teddy Bears.
- thanks to phoenix1213, Old Book, kyoma, Rubinchen, Bleral, YX33A, and Lingwei for testing
- dev_akm, lilith and daemondarque for helping to formulate a better introduction text
- Steve Carrow for making tes4gecko run with my mods (creating silent dialog files and all that)
- Mortazo for his "treatise on daedra of the lesser variety"
- the EVE team for the robe mesh.
- Harke the Apostle for inspiration to a certain dialog.
- proweler for his text about Sithis and Anuiel (in game "Two Faces")
- Super Llama for his rideable Land Dreugh.
- the visitors in guild halls were all donations. They came from: Theclonerman, greenwarden, garx, FallenWizard, WhoGuru, shadeMe, Celes, Ludicrous, PetrusOctavianus, orbitor, phoenix1213, Prime Monky, LFact, elizb, Helkalas-so-Tauna, Tekuromoto, NRN_R_Sumo1, Antique Miya.
- the visitors in the gallery were all donations. They came from: Fearabbit, Bodevanlot, garx, washington, maguskain, migck, UnknownK, Mishaxhi. The gallery keeper was a donation of greenwarden.
Third-party optional add-ons:
(These are for the version with requirements, but they can easily be used with the Integrated version by changing the masters with Wrye bash)
As an additional gift there's also an available. Make sure to read the readme.
There's now another module: Use Wrye Bash's "Import NPC Face" feature for it. (Now if you're unhappy with both my faces and LazyMonks alternative faces, then I fear you'll have to edit the NPCs yourself .)
The Highly recommended which gives Ohmes-Raht players and NPCs their own voice for greetings, combat grunts,etc. Read the readme for more info. by ishmaeltheforsaken. Improves tthe graphical quality ofthe telvanni tileset. ( adding race recognition and other such recognitions to the normal Oblivion quests. (
I like to thank everyone who refrained from doing bloody frustrating things. It was you for whom I created Integration: The Stranded Light. I hope you'll enjoy the mod. And especially I like to thank everyone who had contributed resources, most importantly Bleral!