Take the Elder Scroll to the library in the Mage's Guild.
Yes, that worked. Not only did that get rid of it, but I got money

Good thinking.
A thought occured to me though, why didn't my journal indicate anything of this sort? There easily could have been a note scribbled somewhere saying "maybe I should find somewhere to store this Scroll," instead of just ending the quest with it sill in my possession.
Honestly, I thought I had just messed up the quests somehow and still had it in my possession. I thought maybe it was supposed to leave my inventory when
Spoiler I read it up on the mountain.
Anyway, that's annoying. So if it's not a question of bugged quest items, it's a question of bugged quests. My journal showed that those quests were
finished. There should at least be some indication in the journal that there is one more step to take.
If anyone else knows what to do with the following items, I would be grateful to have them out of my sight as well:
Ruby Dragon Claw
Attunement Sphere
King Olaf's Verse
Strange Amulet
All of those seem to be associated with quests that I've finished.