I cannot mark the quest location in the map. some of the texts describe the location as [,,,,] , and i can't figure out where to go! please help me with this.
ps: no mod installed
I cannot mark the quest location in the map. some of the texts describe the location as [,,,,] , and i can't figure out where to go! please help me with this.
ps: no mod installed
Actually i think you should update your skyrim to the latest patch, official and unofficial !!!!!!!
See if you have any map.swf in the following folder: SteamApps/Common/Skyrim/Data/Interface
If you do rename the file map.swf to map.swf BAK. After you rename it the quest markers should be normal again......
BUT: That's a workaround for those that have map mods installed.
If you don't have it, or any map mods then you have a different issue.
i dont have any map.swf in the folder.
My skyrim is the steam version,it's updated to the last version, right??
Press escape while in game and look at the bottom left hand corner. It shows which version you have. (current version:
You can check it here: http://i.stack.imgur.com/sB88L.jpg
Yes, and have you installed the unofficial patch as well ???
You can download it from: http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/files/file/659-unofficial-skyrim-patch/
my version is the current i installed the unofficial patch but dont work
It's worth to try:
Verify integrity of game cache
This is normal for most Steam games. The files that fail to verify are local configuration files that should not be replaced as part of this process. You can safely ignore this message.
There is a mod you can install but you will actually have colored map markers.
You should register on nexus (for free), so you can download that file.
For any case backup your saves. So if something goes wrong...
Download the file and extract to the files to your data folder.
- "map.swf" goes in the [...\skyrim\data\interface] folder.
- "hudmenu.gfx" goes in the [...\skyrim\data\interface\exported] folder.
but read the instructions of the above page as well.
already did this,dont work. Man, i dont know whats going on.