[RELz] Quest Log Manager

Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:20 am

Summarizing, I can:

1. keep my settings, use vanilla map and lose my Dark interface (or part of it)
2. Darnify my settings and use one of the two other maps that come with your mod.

In both cases what remains is the fix for that loop script you mentioned to Psymon.

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le GraiN
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:24 pm

OK next problem-

Having the map_menu.xml file installed (at least from the Dark Darn folder anyway) made all map markers disappear.

That tripped me out at first - I was like "my game is just falling apart!" I reinstalled MMO, rechecked installation of Dark Darn, tried older saves. and all map markers of any kind where gone.

I then removed that one file and they returned.
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Nana Samboy
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:04 am

Summarizing, I can:

1. keep my settings, use vanilla map and lose my Dark interface (or part of it)
2. Darnify my settings and use one of the two other maps that come with your mod.

In both cases what remains is the fix for that loop script you mentioned to Psymon.
Correct on all accounts :)

Having the map_menu.xml file installed (at least from the Dark Darn folder anyway) made all map markers disappear.

Are you using kyoma's http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22163? That's the one (obvious) incompatibility, which I forgot. But both mods come with their own version of the map_menu.xml file, and kyoma's version have some additional xml files that proably makes things invisible when the expected elements in map_menu.xml isn't there.

I will sort this out, but for now it is incompatible with DarNifiedUI Additions.

If you don't use that, then there is another problem :)
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:04 am

Are you using kyoma's http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22163? That's the one (obvious) incompatibility, which I forgot. But both mods come with their own version of the map_menu.xml file, and kyoma's version have some additional xml files that proably makes things invisible when the expected elements in map_menu.xml isn't there.

I will sort this out, but for now it is incompatible with DarNifiedUI Additions.

If you don't use that, then there is another problem :)
Been meaning to reply to this but kinda forgot. Um yes, it is a conflict. Nothing drastic though, the only reason the mapmarkers disappear (as opposed to just having the filtering system reverted to the original methode) is because the mapmarker template is in a seperate file. So each map marker will still look for my additional filters in the main MapMenu but they aren't there anymore.

Real easy to fix, I can either supply a, seperate, compatible file in my mod or integrate the XML parts directly and allowing you to switch them on through one simple trait/variable. Either way I need to update it cause my filters can only handle mapmarkers upto type 50 (or 40, dunno exactly) and I think the new sewer icon is outside that reach.

So much to do, so little time..... :toughninja:

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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:29 am

Nice one!
Remember to add it to your Mods list post :) Had to check your topics to find it.

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Joey Bel
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:41 am

Yeah I definitely have UI Additions.

I found all the problems - yay me!

right on track as always.
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:45 am

Real easy to fix, I can either supply a, seperate, compatible file in my mod or integrate the XML parts directly and allowing you to switch them on through one simple trait/variable.

Either way works, but I'm not sure what is easiest. As I wrote in the PM, I have tagged all my changes to the map_menu.xml file, so they can be searched for an copied into your variants, to create a merged versions for both, but that means having to do it all over again for each change...

Yeah I definitely have UI Additions.

I found all the problems - yay me!

right on track as always.
Actually, you only got second place this time, as another player on TESNexus found this before you :P

Remember to add it to your Mods list post :) Had to check your topics to find it.
Thanks. It is added now :)

Anyway, I have a worked a bit with an update. I completely rewrote how the quests are stored into my arrays, thereby removing the chance for infinite loop (though I doubt that was the problem). I also add more debug options in case of problems. But the new functionality is a sort button that lets you change between chronological and alphabetical sorting, and an optional modifier key (default left shift) that must be held down for the "hide" buttons to be visible, to avoid cluttering the list when you're not interested in hiding quests.

I was going to upload images, but TESNexus is acting up again.

But I have a question. Currently, the new sort button says "ABC" or "123", and clicking on it when saying "ABC" changes to alphabetical sorting and switches the button to say "123" and vice versa. In other words, the button says what you will change to by clicking on it, not what you currently have. Does that make sense?

Edit: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32266 are up now
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:24 am

There seems to be another problem which I cannot explain NiceOne

I tried all possible combos:

DArk UI:
as you said, no crashes when loading the vanilla map.xml from your mod, I lost my Dark interface when opening Quests log but I could only see one button, the general saying "show hidden" on top right. Unfortunately, no buttons appeared by each quest entry...

Darnified version:
I then tried the complete Darn version included in Dark's mod (v.2.4) but when replacing the map.xlm file (both Darn alternatives included in your mod) I still get crashes, no matter if I use or not your esp file

I ll keep you posted
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Janette Segura
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:02 am

I noticed the scroll bar not adjusting when some quests are hidden. I was gonna say it's not hard to fix (I did it at multiple places in X-Skills) but it seems this particular list and scrollbar behave a little bit different. Normally the scrollbar simply multiplies the amount of child elements in the respective '_window_pane' element. So fixing it is as easy as making a new trait which is set by script that holds the 'true' number of items visible.

Instead, what happens here is that the height of the entire '_window_pane' gets set by the game code and it is used directly by the scroll bar. And unfortunately it is probably not as simple as '(height / total items) * current items' because the margin at the top and bottom are included and the items don't nessecarily have to be of equal height. :(

Anyways, it should be possible to change it without a huge amount of work. Still looking.... :spotted owl:

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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:02 pm

There seems to be another problem which I cannot explain NiceOne

I tried all possible combos:

DArk UI:
as you said, no crashes when loading the vanilla map.xml from your mod, I lost my Dark interface when opening Quests log but I could only see one button, the general saying "show hidden" on top right. Unfortunately, no buttons appeared by each quest entry...
But that at least shows that you have installed the xml file correctly.

The question is then why it doesn't work. The buttons for each quest is set to be invisible by default, and only made visible by QLM's script, so it seems that the mod isn't running properly. Are you running Oblvion through OBSE as required? If yes, start the game, wait 5 seconds after having loaded a savegame, open the quest log, then open the console and type "sqv tnoQLM". Then report the output here (install conscribe to make it easier to post the log).

Darnified version:
I then tried the complete Darn version included in Dark's mod (v.2.4) but when replacing the map.xlm file (both Darn alternatives included in your mod) I still get crashes, no matter if I use or not your esp file
You're saying that it doesn't crash with Darned Dark, until you replace map_menu.xml file, and then get a crash?
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:29 pm

There seems to be another problem which I cannot explain NiceOne

I tried all possible combos:

DArk UI:
as you said, no crashes when loading the vanilla map.xml from your mod, I lost my Dark interface when opening Quests log but I could only see one button, the general saying "show hidden" on top right. Unfortunately, no buttons appeared by each quest entry...
But that at least shows that you have installed the xml file correctly.

The question is then why it doesn't work. The buttons for each quest is set to be invisible by default, and only made visible by QLM's script, so it seems that the mod isn't running properly. Are you running Oblvion through OBSE as required? If yes, start the game, wait 5 seconds after having loaded a savegame, open the quest log, then open the console and type "sqv tnoQLM". Then report the output here (install conscribe to make it easier to post the log).

Darnified version:
I then tried the complete Darn version included in Dark's mod (v.2.4) but when replacing the map.xlm file (both Darn alternatives included in your mod) I still get crashes, no matter if I use or not your esp file
You're saying that it doesn't crash with Darned Dark, until you replace map_menu.xml file, and then get a crash?

I noticed the scroll bar not adjusting when some quests are hidden. I was gonna say it's not hard to fix (I did it at multiple places in X-Skills) but it seems this particular list and scrollbar behave a little bit different. Normally the scrollbar simply multiplies the amount of child elements in the respective '_window_pane' element. So fixing it is as easy as making a new trait which is set by script that holds the 'true' number of items visible.
Yes, I fiddled a bit with it before giving up too. I appreciate if you find any fix though. I considered simulating enough mouse clicks on the "Up" arrow after each switch between current/hidden quests to at least ensure that the scroll bar start on top, but that will be the last solution.
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:47 am

But that at least shows that you have installed the xml file correctly.

The question is then why it doesn't work. The buttons for each quest is set to be invisible by default, and only made visible by QLM's script, so it seems that the mod isn't running properly. Are you running Oblvion through OBSE as required? If yes, start the game, wait 5 seconds after having loaded a savegame, open the quest log, then open the console and type "sqv tnoQLM". Then report the output here (install conscribe to make it easier to post the log).

You're saying that it doesn't crash with Darned Dark, until you replace map_menu.xml file, and then get a crash?

All xlm files were correctly installed NiceOne and my game runs on OBSE 18.

As mentioned above, when I installed the complete Darn folder included in Darkui v.2.4 in my game, everything run fine until I installed your xml relevant map files (I experimented with both Darn version maps included in your mod folder).

My game would not load a save game - I got a CTD when attempting to load, with or without the esp file activated.


another last minute thought:
could it be that the game is annoyed by a "quest items tag removal" mod that I use?
whenever loading a game I have to wait for at least 10 secs (streamline, screeneffects, quest items tag removal etc) :laugh:
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Donald Richards
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:58 am

Quest Log Manager v 1.1 is now out!

From the changelog:
* Added sort button/functionality
As written. The button swaps between chronological or alphabetical sorting of current quests

* Added key to optionally hide/show the additional buttons
If defined, the new button on the right of each current quest is hidden - unless you press this button. Useful if you feel the button clutters the quest view or is afraid of mis-clicking. You can choose any key you want, but the omod installation script lets you choose between the 6 shift/control/alt keys.

* Completely rewritten script, and added more debug options
So those of you who didn't get 1.0 to work, try 1.1 and if there are problems, try setting debug to 2 in the ini file.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:47 am

Any compatibility with UI additions?
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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:58 am

Any compatibility with UI additions?

No, not yet. Kyoma and I will sort it out, but we've both been a bit too busy...

If you feel brave, you could try yourself. Open the map_menu.xml in your Menus folder in any good text editor, and open the same file from QLM. Then in QLM's file, search for "tnoQLM" to find all additions/changes, and copy all those changes to your existing map_menu.xml file. It should work :)
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:53 am

Im not sure, but I think there is a conflict with OblivionXP. Afther to install the mod it worked well but some days afther, OblivionXP started to do weird things, not working sometimes, working but not saving changes other times and not showing messages like "killed goblin level 2 XP ---" I think (not sure again) that the problem started afther to open the map (that could explain why it worked well for some time).

I saw at the comments in the nexus is also other OXP user with problems, so maybe there is a conflict between both mods.
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:18 am

Good news, I just did a quick check and the height of map_log_window_pane is the sum of all of the element's heights. So you should be able to calculate the actual height by just adding up. :)

On another note, I've just finished adapting my UI Additions (and revamping a few things but that's not related atm) and I decided to integrate all the things added by QLM. With one simple switch to turn them on and off (should only be required once after the game is loaded). I figured this way I won't have to work with all these seperate, yet almost-alike, files. And still allow you to easily turn it on. :)

P.S. The switch is in map_log_current_hidden, named _enableQLM. Just 0/1 for on/off (not 1/2). I'll probably release it either tonight or tomorrow (still need to do the DarkUI version).

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Karl harris
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:36 am

WIll this work with MajorJims UI?

Thanks for any help or guidance.
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:30 am

Bug report

Mod only works properly if debug mode is set to 2. Found this issue in script QuestLog:
			if debug >= 2				let str1 := hidden_quests[i]				PrintC "QLM:Checking quest %z", str1			endif

should be this:
			let str1 := hidden_quests[i]			if debug >= 2				PrintC "QLM:Checking quest %z", str1			endif

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Megan Stabler
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:44 am

Hi, TheNiceOne. This mod conflicts with kyoma's mod DarNifiedUI_Additions.
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Darlene DIllow
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:42 am

Quest Log Manager 1.2 is now available
...a simple bug-fix this time. I had one important statement within a debug check, so hidden quests only stayed properly hidden when debug was set to 2 (thanks, statttis).

Good news, I just did a quick check and the height of map_log_window_pane is the sum of all of the element's heights. So you should be able to calculate the actual height by just adding up. :)
Thanks. I'll look into that.

On another note, I've just finished adapting my UI Additions (and revamping a few things but that's not related atm) and I decided to integrate all the things added by QLM. With one simple switch to turn them on and off (should only be required once after the game is loaded). I figured this way I won't have to work with all these seperate, yet almost-alike, files. And still allow you to easily turn it on. :)

P.S. The switch is in map_log_current_hidden, named _enableQLM. Just 0/1 for on/off (not 1/2). I'll probably release it either tonight or tomorrow (still need to do the DarkUI version).
Good :)

WIll this work with MajorJims UI?
Not directly. You can either choose the vanilla xml file and get a vanilla-looking map/quest menu, or you can open majorJim's map_menu.xml file in a text editor and copy/paste all changes from QLM's map_menu.xml file. All the changes are tagged with tnoQLM, so it's not too difficult. I may do it myself when I get the time though.

Bug report...
Thanks, it is really appreciated. I got one error report about this problem at TESNexus too, and your post saved me bug-hunting that could really have taken some time since I tend to bug-hunt with debug on :)

Hi, TheNiceOne. This mod conflicts with kyoma's mod DarNifiedUI_Additions.
See kyoma's post 5 (or so) posts above yours.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:08 am

With the update to http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22163 do I need to wait further for an update to this as well?
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:46 pm

TNO, keep cranking out these mods, I love every one of them! :goodjob:
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:38 am

Hmmm, I may use this if only to get rid of the training quests because I don't have any intention of doing those...
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:50 am

Well I put in Kyoma's updated and this (which I really really want to use) and the result was that none of the map filters seemed to work.

And all the map markers were set to full description so the filters were all off (or is it on). Cluttering the map.

I may remove the map filters as I'd rather have this.

Hmmm - well which replacer should load first?
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