Real easy to fix, I can either supply a, seperate, compatible file in my mod or integrate the XML parts directly and allowing you to switch them on through one simple trait/variable.
Either way works, but I'm not sure what is easiest. As I wrote in the PM, I have tagged all my changes to the map_menu.xml file, so they can be searched for an copied into your variants, to create a merged versions for both, but that means having to do it all over again for each change...
Yeah I definitely have UI Additions.
I found all the problems - yay me!
right on track as always.
Actually, you only got second place this time, as another player on TESNexus found this before you

Remember to add it to your Mods list post

Had to check your topics to find it.
Thanks. It is added now

Anyway, I have a worked a bit with an update. I completely rewrote how the quests are stored into my arrays, thereby removing the chance for infinite loop (though I doubt that was the problem). I also add more debug options in case of problems. But the new functionality is a sort button that lets you change between chronological and alphabetical sorting, and an optional modifier key (default left shift) that must be held down for the "hide" buttons to be visible, to avoid cluttering the list when you're not interested in hiding quests.
I was going to upload images, but TESNexus is acting up again.
But I have a question. Currently, the new sort button says "ABC" or "123", and clicking on it when saying "ABC" changes to alphabetical sorting and switches the button to say "123" and vice versa. In other words, the button says what you will change to by clicking on it, not what you currently have. Does that make sense?
Edit: are up now