... and it seems that the latest Kuertee Eat and Sleep not worky - other aspects of it are bugged - not recognizing when I eat may revert to earlier version - I think I had no issue with 1.6.1.
thanks RebelMax
Will post screen shot of what I mean by the inventory issue.
[edit] if you look at the inventory menu screenshot of the http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11280 you will see that the word weapons is seen twice - the second one allows you to expand and contract that section of the inventory.
I somehow lost that ability as seen http://i361.photobucket.com/albums/oo54/psymon11b/UIbadness.jpg.
[edit] having just tested all NiceOne mods - I must admit the problem persists - sorry if I jumped the gun on finding the fault. apologies
But now I'm lost as to what could be causing that???????????
OK my issue was resolved - just don't use Dark Darn Classic menus and the collapsing inventory returned.
With BAIN took all of 2 minutes to fix.
But the real thanks goes to Zornac for finding the cause - or at least pointing it out to me.