Quest Marker Poll

Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:34 pm

Agreed that one could not ignore the quest markers if one wanted to find a particular quest location.

But there is also a further issue where the "just ignore it" point was made. Some people have suggested that quest markers are bad because they discourage exploration - you get too fixated on the quest marker, and you don't deviate from that quest path to do some random exploring. In response, one can simply ignore the quest marker - that is, ignore the marker on the compass. You may find this more or less easy to do. It seems like some people couldn't resist following the quest marker, despite not wanting to. I never had a problem ignoring the quest marker, however. :shrug:

Id prefer that they were able to be turned off as i personally do think it enhances exploration to not have them as we discussed in the other thread lol...

Also srk id like your opinion as well as others on this but.....does anyone else think that the radiant story will completely destroy any hope for having detailed directions given to us in dialogue?...seems like radiant story coupled with voice acting almost forces most side quests to use quest markers....especially if the end location can change throughout each playthrough.
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Michelle davies
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:16 am

That's freakin hilarious. Thanks I needed a laugh.

To the OP, I voted I like food in the poll because I didn't like how you worded the option for wanting the quest marker. I like to have something generally pointing me in the right direction. Not that I'm lost without it, but for me it's a matter of not wasting my valuable time on a wild goose chase. I have a life outside of gaming, and I want to be somewhat efficient when I play and not waste an hour trying to find a location only to discover I'm looking in the wrong area.

I also like the little map indicators that there is a location near you as well. It lets me know there is something of interest to go find and actually helps me to explore MORE, not less.

Also, for anyone who does not want a quest marker, simply set your journal (or pipboy) to a different quest than the one you're working on, and keep on trucking.
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:38 am

Id prefer that they were able to be turned off as i personally do think it enhances exploration to not have them as we discussed in the other thread lol...

Yeah, fair enough. I don't think there's a single answer for everyone here. Some people will find themselves exploring less if there's a quest marker on the compass; for other people it won't make a difference.

I think the "just make it toggleable" argument can get a bit out of hand (where does it end!?), but this is such a prominent peeve, I think there's a case to be made that quest markers on the compass should be toggleable.

The problem with this, however, is with quests that require you to find a travelling NPC. It's easy to not have quest markers on the compass for fixed locations: there can just be quest markers on the map. But if there's quest markers for travelling NPCs, will there be moving markers on the map? I'm not sure how well that would work.... My favoured solution, although of course that's no reason to think that this is the way the game will turn out, is that in quests which require you to find a travelling NPC, there's just a quest marker for, say, their house. Basically, I don't like quest markers for moving goals.

Also srk id like your opinion as well as others on this but.....does anyone else think that the radiant story will completely destroy any hope for having detailed directions given to us in dialogue?...seems like radiant story coupled with voice acting almost forces most side quests to use quest markers....especially if the end location can change throughout each playthrough.

I agree that if a quest is modified (or able to be modified) by Radiant Story, then that probably rules out directions in dialogue. However, whether or not directions are given in dialogue more generally, depends on how widespread Radiant Story is. Maybe Radiant Story just affects minor side quests, but the MQ and major faction quests are entirely hand-crafted by the devs. In that case, there might directions in dialogue for the major quests, but quest markers for more minor side-quests.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:21 pm

I'm fine with a compass, I think that it would be best if you could toggle it though.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:03 pm

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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:26 pm

The problem with this, however, is with quests that require you to find a travelling NPC. It's easy to not have quest markers on the compass for fixed locations: there can just be quest markers on the map. But if there's quest markers for travelling NPCs, will there be moving markers on the map? I'm not sure how well that would work.... My favoured solution, although of course that's no reason to think that this is the way the game will turn out, is that in quests which require you to find a travelling NPC, there's just a quest marker for, say, their house. Basically, I don't like quest markers for moving goals.

For the idea of travelling NPCs for prefer to have to ask around and find out like....[1] Where his house is [2] What taverns/other buildings he frequents or if he was a travelling salesman or something like that id like to ask around and find out that he travels this specific stretch of road or whatever.

Having quest markers just on his home would be a good idea.

Again i like the idea of having markers for the destinations closer to civilization that are widely known.....and for areas farther out i hope you get to rely on direction.
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lillian luna
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:42 pm

My vote is for a clean compass and Clairvoyance. ;)
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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:30 pm

I'd like to go without it, but it has nothing to do with any kind of 'skill'. I just think it's more interesting and exciting to search for and stumble upon stuff than to be pointed directly to it. I'd be fine with an option to turn it off, doesn't have to be cut.
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:50 am

If they took it out, you'll get a lot of people complaining about no quest markers.

I personally would like the challenge and excitement of no quest markers, but sometimes I miss a piece of dialogue, or can't understand what the quest description says, so the quest marker helps me when I don't know what the hell I'm doing.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:38 pm

No. It's not that simple. It's very complex. Options are not meant for changing content in the game. They are meant for generic things: resolution, texture detail, subtitles, sound, difficulty, etc..

no its not,thats a bunch of bs
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:51 am

Yes for travelling NPCs, no for precise quest object locations in dungeons.

this.........the only time and i mean only time i would like a quest marker is for travellling npcs. the caveat is if im given a detailed itinerary of where and when the npcs is during the course of a day. if i have an accurate list then id rather not have the quest marker since i just look at the time and notice that its 3 PM. says on the itinerary that the npc likes to hang around in the tavern after 2PM so i then know where to go.
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:03 am

I voted yes and no as well as I like food.

I'm conflicted about the quest compass but I always like food.
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:52 am

If I came on these these forums and started telling people where exactly to go for all the quest whether they wanted to know or not, I'd be modded off the forum right quick. Yet somehow a mandatory quest arrow you can't remove is supposedly a good idea.
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:26 am

At first that looked cool... then i realized the thing in upper right corner: 1 of 50
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:06 am

No, and I like food.

I think the quest arrows are good for casual players that play the game so seldom that they forget where they left the last time...Also they're good for action fans with short attention span who want to get to a battle as fast as possible...The only good arrow on the map is one that shows the location of a moving person....and even that would be better if you could ask people where the person you're looking for is.

I like to roleplay and to use my brain. When navigating I don't want to keep my eyes on the compass and follow the arrow with zero brain use. I don't want or need a GPS map. In Oblivion my compass shows only the "compass points" (N,E,S,W), and my map doesn't show my own location.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:45 am

At first that looked cool... then i realized the thing in upper right corner: 1 of 50

im guessing that im the only one that actually wouldnt mind having an options menu as in depth as that. as long as it has a default setting it really wouldnt be that big of a deal to configure.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:47 pm

Finding this poll pretty badly created... It should be strongly opposed, opposed, neutral, in favor, strongly in favor. As it is, it feels like it's somehow negative to vote no. And the irrelevant options don't help...
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:55 pm

None of the options describe my feelings, I don't consider myself a hardcoe RPGer nor do I think it takes skill to complete quests without it, but I'd prefer quests not send me on tasks to find needles in haystacks that I'd need a quest marker to ever find without going insane, and for quest givers to give reasonable directions and mark things on my map when applicable. Then I'd be happy without.
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:12 pm

This polling options like so many on here is not very well thought out. I like the quest markers as back ups, in FNV I could do most quest without them and did so, but when stuck its nice to have a in game method to find your way instead of having to check a wiki. A lot of games are doing this kind of thing, the game will play the level for you or skip you past a certain section,etc. Thats how quests marker should be.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:35 pm

I'd buy that game.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:16 pm

I don't mind the quest markers in OB and FO3. But it would be an improvement if they only showed you the way to the front door of a dungeon, not the exact location of the target inside.

(Also, it's possible for specific quests to have disabled markers. I vaguely recall one in vanilla OB, and a number of quest mods used that. Beth could have made a few more quests like that.... maybe have it based on whether or not the questgiver knows accurate locations, or just has vague instructions. Or only have the quest marker show up after you've found more info.)
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:19 pm

I hate quest markers. I love the feeling of being lost in a fantasy world and having to find my way around... it adds SO MUCH to the game in my opinion. Even simple fetch quests can be enjoyable if the game doesn't tell you exactly where to go.
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Liv Brown
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:19 am

Well since you didn't include any middle of the road options, I voted Yes. I'd like to see a better implementation of it this time around, but not having it would be far worse than having it. I'm perfectly capable of not using it when I don't want to.
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Veronica Martinez
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:21 pm

I vaguely recall one in vanilla OB, and a number of quest mods used that. Beth could have made a few more quests like that.... maybe have it based on whether or not the questgiver knows accurate locations, or just has vague instructions. Or only have the quest marker show up after you've found more info.)

I think a lot of us at least want the choice to be given actual directions in dialogue/writing more than just a few times, so we arent completely screwed when we turn markers off(if thats even optional). Youre right beth could have made a few more, but id want more than just a few quests done this way....the point of being able to turn markers off is that youre actually given directions to your location....if there is zero dialogue describing to you where it is youre just outa luck. Basically all the quests were done that way with the discriptive dialogue in added much more to the game many aspects. And i dont think we should really be forced to use mods to make our game better. Id like to see at least all the main quest and guild/faction quests be done with very descriptive dialogue for directions because it seems near impossible for them to implement it for radiant story.
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Jamie Lee
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:57 pm

This polling options like so many on here is not very well thought out. I like the quest markers as back ups, in FNV I could do most quest without them and did so, but when stuck its nice to have a in game method to find your way instead of having to check a wiki. A lot of games are doing this kind of thing, the game will play the level for you or skip you past a certain section,etc. Thats how quests marker should be.

lol what? maybe if it keeps progressing in that manor in the next TES we will basically be watching a movie. I dont like the idea of that at all really. Also clairvoyance seems to do what youre asking for.
I think the quest arrows are good for casual players that play the game so seldom that they forget where they left the last time...Also they're good for action fans with short attention span who want to get to a battle as fast as possible...The only good arrow on the map is one that shows the location of a moving person....and even that would be better if you could ask people where the person you're looking for is.

lol so true...the whole "i just want to get there fast and get it over with and do the next one asap" is one of the most common comments i see regarding FT and quest markers.
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