Thanks for the reply 's. I don't have the time to reply to everyone personally at the moment unfortunately, but I just want to clarify what I mean:
Because quests can point to various locations, they will have to add multiple voicerecords on the disk (and record them). Because probably a lot of quests will be influenced by this, this would mean every quest have, say: 20 different 'directions'. This would not only make the gamesize much bigger (in gigabytes), but also the budget much higher. Ofcourse, it is possible, but it will not be profitable that way. Why pay much more when a quest maker is much cheaper?
Of course, they could use something like a GPS: just let the voiceactors speak things like 'north' 'west' etc. However, this probably would sound terrible (at least, all GPS's I know do), because it does not sound naturall.
Of course, they could write it in your journal, something I did not think about. However, I think this gets pretty odd very soon, so I doubt they will do it for most quests

I'm gonna copy what I said in a previous thread:
This thread isn't really about quest markes, but what the heck.
You're saying that quest markers HAVE to be in, because directions JUST CAN'T be done by voice actors.
??????? :facepalm:
I know right, because having an NPC in a quest say a line like "I think the cavern is east of here, near the mountains" will EXPLODE YOUR COMPUTER AND WILL JUST NOT WORK!?
Seriously, it seems people are way too close-minded here.
Ever thought of the possibility that an RPG actually should let the player think a bit for himself/herself, both in regards of exploring and doing quests?
Now I'm gonna a elaborate that.
Directions can be done by voice actors......... (lots of dots to express my "sigh" feeling)
If the cave you want to get to is 2 kilometer north, but there is also another cave 1 kilometer north; you can say: "The cave is located north of here. Take the road northwest of here, follow it until you see a big dead tree. When you've seen that, there should be a cave to the right. This is not the cave you're looking for though. Continue following the road until you see an opening in the mountains to the right. There will be two big rocks, standing as pillars, near the opening. The cave is further in the opening."
Or you could say: "Go north from here. Continue until you see an opening in the mountains to the right. The cave is further in that opening."
Do you honestly thing developers are so incompetent that they can't explain how a place looks like and how you can roughly get to that place?
I did want to say something about your post:
............................................................... (even more dots to express my 'sigh, he doesn't even read my post right, he just starts to scream) To start with, nowhere did I say I like questmarkers (in fact I don't), however, you sound a like a really frustrated little kid... just screaming that you don't want questmarkers in, thinking I do, without thinking what I say (I only say I don't see any other possibility, not that I like them).
Things like "Or you could say: "Go north from here. Continue until you see an opening in the mountains to the right. The cave is further in that opening." are entirely possible, until you have to record this thing 20+ times, because one time the cave is to the right of the mountain, the next time to the left, another time it's not even close to the mountain etc. Of course you can record all, but that will become very expensive with a lot of quests...
It seems to me you just like to scream 'I am right, and you're soooooo wrong, because I don't like questmarkers, you MUST be wrong'. Please, next time, think before you post.