Let me elaborate: I want to go find that mysterious cave myself from the directions the villagers gave me, slay the monsters/bandits inside and return the golden fleece back to the village to collect my reward.
But what I found in Oblivion was: *Quest-Marker would hold my hand and show me where to go whilst the 'Journal' would tell me what to do, how to find it and where to take it. And to cap it off, I would get regular text messages telling me which quest I have completed to pat me on the back to give me that feeling of accomplishment. And god forbid I decide NOT to return the golden fleece. The Quest would FOREVER be un-completed in my journal, permanently.
I hope this doesn't roll-over too much into Skyrim.
I'm a advlt and I'm assuming so are the majority of ES roleplayers, do we really need our hands held this much in a RPG game, and do we really need 'Pats on the Backs' to get that feeling of accomplishment via the 'Check-List' which is the Journal?
Of course this is my own personal opinion. I would love to hear yours. Or maybe a better system of addressing this.
PS. Civil discussions/comments please, save the teddy and pram moments for the playground

*This quest is just a metaphor device and not an actual quest. Please don't go exploring around Oblivion looking for this fabled Golden Fleece, it doesn't exist