I know what your saying, others have said it but for me and others it is an issue the markers above an NPC's head is just really (and i hate myself for saying this) Immersive/immersion breaking I mean you walking through the game world and into a town taking in the sights getting a feel of what its like listning to the people looking around then BAM marker above a guys head you might not see the issue but others do
No i can see what your sayin
U except a quest a while back but instead head into town just to look around but then u
spot a guy and a marker pops then ur like
"oh hey why does he have a marker.....ohh wait thats right! I have a quest im doing!!"
But its not as immersion breaking for me if im doing the quest since its basically my character. Saying "thats the guy" but i do understand the slight immersion break when it reminds u
U have a quest to do