Quest markers...

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:33 pm

What do you think of them? Should they do it like they did in Oblivion?

Personally, I truuuly hope they don't, or at least add some kind of option so that we that don't like them, easily can turn them off.
In Oblivion, quest markers made me feel like a robot. I wasn't doing a quest by myself, I was just following a red spot on the map, killed or grabbed the red spot, then followed another red spot.

Please, let me think some on my own! Remove the Oblivion-featured quest markers completely, or change them completely, or make it completely customizable!
In return, give more/better directions, so that you can find anyway, but on your own! Kind of like Morrowind, hurray! :celebrate:
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Rex Help
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:00 am

Magic Quest GPS Markers need to GTFO. Optional works, but "Markers are in and can't be turned off" is a load of [censored]. At least give directions for those few of us who don't mind playing RPGs while playing our RPGs.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:30 pm

I like how it was in Oblivion but I wish it was custamizable like i can place as many markers as i wanted and change the colors of them along with posting little tabs as to why that is.
Like if I wanted to remember were a NPC lives I can mark it than post alittle info on what the marker is for but ALSO if I wanted to use another marker for something else I could and the first one wouldn't have to be deleted
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:01 am

Magic Quest GPS Markers need to GTFO. Optional works, but "Markers are in and can't be turned off" is a load of [censored]. At least give directions for those few of us who don't mind playing RPGs while playing our RPGs.

Well said :D
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:32 pm

Have them point to the general area where the person/objective is, not exactly where it is. But with full voice acted dialogue, it's cheaper to have the omniscient quest arrow than have an NPC give directions.
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:02 am

In Morrowind, I would sometimes get frustrated when I couldn't find some place even though I thought I was following the directions closely. Finding that cave in the end just up that path I didn't check out, or getting lost in the rocky landscape, or recognizing a landmark was what made the search exciting. I want that feeling back. But if some people just can't live without quest markers, maybe they should be able to turn them on.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:29 pm

Have them point to the general area where the person/objective is, not exactly where it is. But with full voice acted dialogue, it's cheaper to have the omniscient quest arrow than have an NPC give directions.

Well, yes. But one more sentence for a quest couldn't hurt that much I think, in proportion to what the effect of it is. I mean, to think for yourself and pay attention to what people say is immersive, realistic and GREAT! Also, when disabling the quest markes in Oblivion, you would still be able to see the general area... the map still focused on the quest marker, but you couldn't see it. So it kinda gave the effect of something in general.
I don't wanna be a robot :sad:, do you?
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Kevin S
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:53 am

In Morrowind, I would sometimes get frustrated when I couldn't find some place even though I thought I was following the directions closely. Finding that cave in the end just up that path I didn't check out, or getting lost in the rocky landscape, or recognizing a landmark was what made the search exciting. I want that feeling back. But if some people just can't live without quest markers, maybe they should be able to turn them on.

Yes I really loved the directions in Morrowind, even though they were confusing sometimes.... making me get lost. Seriously, for the main quest there was this direction "the eye of the needle lies in the teeth of the wind, the mouth of the cave lies in the skin of the pearl, the dream is the door and the star is the key" WHAT AN AWESOME DIRECTION IS THAT!

There you have to think, think! :)
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daniel royle
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:11 pm

Quest markers can be remove/optional if asking for direction or reading a direction on a note isn't half assed. I would not mind if I ask for "insert place" from anyone and they mark on the map.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:23 am

Well, i wouldn't want all directions be like that :D But truth to be told, Oblivion and the Fallout games have already trained me to follow the quest arrow like a lab animal. Which is quite frustating when i forget to switch the active quest and end up in wrong place :lmao:

I'm a lost cause, but the rest of you, keep fighting :D
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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:07 am

this doesn't have to do directly with Quest markers, but has to do with the journal.
I've ran into a few (very few) circumstances where I wanted to jot down some notes. But alt+tabbing to a text editor is not immersive or stable. would a functional journal be that difficult? I believe there was one in Daggerfall. if they could do it back then...
It would help if there is any sort of dynamic economy. And would help me organize my alchemy.

as far as the poll goes. map markers are great when an NPC says "go find this person he might be at THIS tavern" (marker points at tavern, not NPC) but using it everywhere even when an NPC only says "go find THIS person, I don't know where he is." or "ask around town, someone knows" and it shows you which npc to ask ruins the idea of questing. It becomes "i have a quest to go to the map marker" *gets to marker* there's a book here *grabs book* "oh I have a quest to go the the marker again. Yay." *heads toward marker singing to himself* "durkadur ka durk"
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:03 am

I think judging from fallout 3 and New Vegas the quest marker is here to stay unfortunately, though i would much rather have it removed and replaced with directions, getting lost is half the fun.

I'd honestly prefer the complete removal of the compass system, we shouldnt be able to magically know that there is a cave half a mile into the woods, we should have to stumble apon it ourselves, it was great in morrowind where you never knew what was over the next ridge.

So my vote is for removal of the current system, locational compass included.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:28 am

Sometimes in NV, you'll encounter quests with only the doors marked which means once you reach that general area you're pretty much on your own.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:02 pm

Hi everyone! Looooooong time forum visitor, but first time poster. I don't know why this topic forced to me to finally post an opinion. I guess the topic creator's post stirred up a whirlwind in me. I absolutely HATE the compass markers. The robot feeling exhibited earlier was a pretty spot on description of how I have felt since Oblivion's implementation of the "hand-hold" quest marker. I have so many fond memories of grabbing a few friends from the other room and having them help decipher the directions to the next part of the quest in Morrowind. I truly miss the "crap, was it that rock? Wait, it has to be this one!", feeling of Morrowind. Anyway, cheers everyone! Here's looking to new memories built while playing Skyrim.
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clelia vega
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:44 pm

Better directions is a must. Oblvion was horrific with what little bit of directions we got and that was because of the GPS compass.

If we have better directions than I would be fine with a toggable option of the marker being on/off.

The only problem is that with the compass there is no need to give directions and it's the "Easy" way out for the devs, one that they used in Oblivion.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:32 pm

I don't like getting lost or following directions. I'll take a map marker over that any day.
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:24 am

Hi everyone! Looooooong time forum visitor, but first time poster. I don't know why this topic forced to me to finally post an opinion. I guess the topic creator's post stirred up a whirlwind in me. I absolutely HATE the compass markers. The robot feeling exhibited earlier was a pretty spot on description of how I have felt since Oblivion's implementation of the "hand-hold" quest marker. I have so many fond memories of grabbing a few friends from the other room and having them help decipher the directions to the next part of the quest in Morrowind. I truly miss the "crap, was it that rock? Wait, it has to be this one!", feeling of Morrowind. Anyway, cheers everyone! Here's looking to new memories built while playing Skyrim.

I found the exploration half the fun. That feeling you get when you finally find the right door or the right cave is truly indescribable. It did make the main quest somewhat of a hassle though...
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