Quest mods that involve riddles, brain teasers, exploration,

Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:25 pm

So, i absolutely loved Unfortunately i've played through most of the content and i need more :)

I've not been playing for a while and havent been paying attention to releases so i'd like to know if there are any new quest mods like this.

They dont have to be as complex as Pruce's, i'm basically just looking for something to toy around with after a long day of killing muties. A nice example would be the treasure maps mod for oblivion. Very simple mod wise, but just what you need when settling down for the evening.. Some relaxing brainy activity after the '"OMFG IM GONNA DIE!" *nervous brakedown*' encounters in various dungeons :D

Some criteria (as a guideline, not an absolute requirement):

- Should use some form of riddle/puzzle/etc. thing as a main ingredient in the quest.
- When i say that i dont mean 10 mastermind games on the puters in a generic dungeon ;)
- If not a riddle, then knowledge of the world/exploration should be involved.
- Preferably no "accidental finds". Being able to come across someting accidentally is fine, but a hint like 'Look near a rock/withered tree/some yellow grass' isn't, unless there is some more info ;)
- I would prefer if there were no quest markers.
- Would be nice if it changes as little as possible in the world for compatibility purposes.

So yeah.. somehting along those lines. Bring the ideas :)

EDIT: Downloading and checking out ''
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Tyler F
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:10 am

Have you tried dittomagnet's Treasure Maps series of mods?

Basically, you find the clues (they look like holotapes), which give you a tiny map and you have to figure where that is in the wasteland. "X" marks the spot where the loot is to found!

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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:41 pm

Aah, thats the same guy who made the oblivion maps :D Wasn't aware he had made any for fallout. thanks :)
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:16 pm

there is also a meeting with mr. Manchester, a note easily missed, and to sleep perchance to dream was one of the most confusing and mind bending quests that i ever spent,

try cube, best mod ever, EVER
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:45 pm

there is also a meeting with mr. Manchester, a note easily missed, and to sleep perchance to dream was one of the most confusing and mind bending quests that i ever spent,

try cube, best mod ever, EVER

Yeah the first quests you mentioned there are the Pruce quests. Excellent series (to the point of setting expectations too high for these kinda mods ;)). Checking out the cube.

EDIT: spelling
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:50 am

That's PuceMoose, not PruceMoose.

I would recommand 'Devoured in Darkness' as a really nice atmospheric and creepy quest wich can not be done by simply using weapons (see Nexus for the download).
There's also 'A Quest for Heaven' wich is really well done and worth the download. I had an issue with the Capitol building (no need to go there for the quest) when it was installed but you should try it and see for yourself if it's working fine on your game.
Two others that are well done but not really puzzle-quests are 'Arefu Expanded' where you'll get a different mood than the rest of the wasteland, more in tune with Fallout 2, and 'Firefly Ranch - Scary Quest Edition' wich add a really nice house with a lot of features that can only be obtained after going through a well done quest/dungeon wich made me jump of my chair quite a few times.

All are available on Nexus.

Edit: You could also try 'CEI Caesarrulez Excessive Interiors', while not a quest per se, it add's a lot of well done contents that all have a real 'flavor' to them, one house in particular made me think of David Lynch or (to stay in FO3 modding) of 'To Sleep, Perchance to Dream'
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:21 am

EDIT: Downloading and checking out ''

Thanks for checking out my mod. It fits some of your criteria but not so much others. Also try out Underground City. It's still a wip, but really massive!
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:13 pm

That's PuceMoose, not PruceMoose.

I would recommand 'Devoured in Darkness' as a really nice atmospheric and creepy quest wich can not be done by simply using weapons (see Nexus for the download).
There's also 'A Quest for Heaven' wich is really well done and worth the download. I had an issue with the Capitol building (no need to go there for the quest) when it was installed but you should try it and see for yourself if it's working fine on your game.
Two others that are well done but not really puzzle-quests are 'Arefu Expanded' where you'll get a different mood than the rest of the wasteland, more in tune with Fallout 2, and 'Firefly Ranch - Scary Quest Edition' wich add a really nice house with a lot of features that can only be obtained after going through a well done quest/dungeon wich made me jump of my chair quite a few times.

All are available on Nexus.

Edit: You could also try 'CEI Caesarrulez Excessive Interiors', while not a quest per se, it add's a lot of well done contents that all have a real 'flavor' to them, one house in particular made me think of David Lynch or (to stay in FO3 modding) of 'To Sleep, Perchance to Dream'

Thanks, will have a look at those. I just started up again after reinstalling though, so gonna wait a bit before i install the heaven one if there is some chance it screws up something.. by the time i get to the capitol building i will prolly have forgotten what mod might mess with it ;)

Thanks for checking out my mod. It fits some of your criteria but not so much others. Also try out Underground City. It's still a wip, but really massive!

Well, doesn't have to fit all. Basically im looking for mods that force you to think a lil or atleast explore. Or of you will: a break from dungeon crawling. While your mod does have those evil quest markers, it will force me to explore more, which is a good thing :) (that being said.. it would be absolutely brilliant if it used hints instead of markers ;))
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Jessica Raven
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:12 pm

Cube Experimental is fantastic. Great design. Clever use of vanilla resources. Cool scripted cutscenes. Definitely give it a try!

Playing through the mod itself was enough of a reward for me, I didn't care about all the stuff I got for it afterwards. :P
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