Quest mods with good gear rewards?

Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:33 pm

I'm a svcker for difficult quests/dungeons with useful rewards, and GotY is starting to run dry. I've tried searching for mods to add more but I have difficulty finding them. The mods I find tend to either have good quests or give good items for doing nothing, which isn't what I'm looking for.

So, can you guys please list some mods that add any form of gear that is better than GotY counterparts, but require effort to obtain? Thanks.
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JD bernal
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:55 am

I spent many, many hours making sure the rewards are deserving and earned (and still very balanced) for every quest in
All the quests offer different types of reward that might, or might not, compliment your character archetype. (Combat/Stealth/Magic)
But I made an effort to keep the rewards useful for almost any character.
And if you search hard enough in my dungeons, you might find something better than the quest-reward. ;)

Keep in mind that most quests and rewards are designed for characters that are level 1-6
A character of any level can enjoy the quests, but most rewards are aimed at giving a new character a nice boost.

Codo's Belt, FTW... Am I right?... anyone?
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