After reading through these forums I can tell that it's a very active and helpful community. I hope someone can take the time to save me some time

I started playing Oblivion on XBox when it came out, but never finished it (life happened). Now I see there is a new edition coming out soon, so I'm revisiting Oblivion to finish it up before the new Elder Scrolls comes out. I've purchased "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion? Game of the Year Edition Deluxe" from Steam (PC Version). I could use some direction with the following questions:
*What order should I do the quests in? Should I do the kings quest from vanilla Oblivion first, then go through the expansions?
*Are there mods that I should load that are essential? I saw the unofficial patch mod, and the texture mod. Should I load those, and are there others that are essential?
I hope there's someone who's still active on the forums who has this knowledge.