Quest: The Peasants Revolt

Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:23 am

So here's what I think should be a sort of quest in Skyrim:

Getting the Quest: After hearing rumours from citizens of Skyrim of a corrupt Lord you decide to head to Castle Rarefax where Lord Rupert, a very wealthy castle and landowner near a large town, has gotten too powerful and has enforced labour for very low salary and any who stands against him are punished. Because of this his slaves and guards have deserted him and have rebelled and wont stop until they have his head.

What you have to do: Speak to the leader of the revolt and ask them what you can do to help. He'll tell you that the gates to Lord Rupert's castle are locked and there is only one other way round, through the crypt in the chapel of the nearby town.

Adventuring: After going through the crypt and killing a few ghosts and ghouls you arrive under the castle. After going up a trap door you find yourself in the kitchen where the chef with two butcher knifes attempts to kill you. After defeating him and a few of Lord Rupert's remaining guards you gain the key from Lord Rupert's Speaker and open the castle gates for the peasants, slaves, guards to get into the castle.

Ending: You run ahead in front of the rioters and are confronted by Lord Rupert himself he makes you an offer what should you choose. Look at poll.
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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:32 pm

If this said quest were something I'd play I'd end up choosing each option at some point through multiple play-throughs so there's my answer.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:32 am

If this said quest were something I'd play I'd end up choosing each option at some point through multiple play-throughs so there's my answer.

Yeah I wish there were more quests that you would want to do again e.g. Whodunit? from Oblivion.
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:59 am

I'd give the peasants the castle and have the Lord be my thrall.

I doubt if farmers could successfully run the place, and I doubt Rupert would be a worthwhile companion,
but I'd rather have everyone be mismatched and grasping at straws while I'm completely in my element.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:22 am

But this would be pretty fun storming a castle and having a huge battle if Skyrim could run something like this.
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matt white
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:15 am

I'd give the peasants the castle and have the Lord be my thrall.

I doubt if farmers could successfully run the place, and I doubt Rupert would be a worthwhile companion,
but I'd rather have everyone be mismatched and grasping at straws while I'm completely in my element.

I meant for Lord Rupert to be a 7ft Daedric, hench, psycho with the best armour and swords available.
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:35 am

I meant for Lord Rupert to be a 7ft Daedric, hench, psycho with the best armour and swords available.

I that case, I challenge him to a duel on the ramparts, and cast his body down into the heaving peasant masses!
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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:30 pm

Take over the castle and have your own slaves and guards.
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Mrs. Patton
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:05 am

I'm not a big fan of the names - "Rarefax" and "Lord Rupert"? That just makes me think of Stewie's teddybear :lol:
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:09 pm

I'm not a big fan of the names - "Rarefax" and "Lord Rupert"? That just makes me think of Stewie's teddybear :lol:

Lord Rupert I got from the previous game I think, and Rarefax castle is a variation of the name Fairfax castle from Fable 2.
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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:28 pm

Unless you'd rather have Lord Rupert as a massive teddy bear and his speaker would be stewie.
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james tait
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:11 pm

Lord Rupert I got from the previous game I think, and Rarefax castle is a variation of the name Fairfax castle from Fable 2.

But surely you can come up with something more Nordic than that? :rock:

^ Now, THAT'S more like it! ;)
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Assumptah George
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:43 am

What you have to do: Speak to the leader of the revolt and ask them what you can do to help. He'll tell you that the gates to Lord Rupert's castle are locked and there is only one other way round, through the crypt in the chapel of the nearby town.

Sounds A BIT too much like Kvatch.
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:00 pm

But surely you can come up with something more Nordic than that? :rock:

^ Now, THAT'S more like it! ;)

I was merely giving examples that's why I didn't give the peasant leader a name.
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meg knight
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:10 am

Sounds A BIT too much like Kvatch.

But the quests are hardly similar.
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Mylizards Dot com
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:48 am

I liked the backstory in the quest; a wealthy landowner who became too powerful, and you're the only one to stop him. I didn't, however liked the approach. Let me elaborate: you go through a crypt, kill a few monsters and you're arrived in the castle, about to make a decision. A better (IMO) approach on this quest would be to infiltrate the castle, become one of the guards or whatever. And when you've gotten yourself in you can either chose to sabotage Lord Rupert or help him become more powerful. That, IMHO, would be less generic and a more challenging quest (speech challenges, tactics, crucial decisions, etc.)

This is just constructive and discussive feedback on your quest, I don't intend on offending you. Peace.
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krystal sowten
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:14 am

I liked the backstory in the quest; a wealthy landowner who became too powerful, and you're the only one to stop him. I didn't, however liked the approach. Let me elaborate: you go through a crypt, kill a few monsters and you're arrived in the castle, about to make a decision. A better (IMO) approach on this quest would be to infiltrate the castle, become one of the guards or whatever. And when you've gotten yourself in you can either chose to sabotage Lord Rupert or help him become more powerful. That, IMHO, would be less generic and a more challenging quest (speech challenges, tactics, crucial decisions, etc.)

This is just constructive and discussive feedback on your quest, I don't intend on offending you. Peace.

With the guard thing, the idea was most of his guards and slaves have deserted him and you can't just go in dressed as a guard he'll think straight away your one of the rioters and have you killed.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:30 am

Theres low salaries even in todays world, not to mention in a feudal system like in Tamriel. What is Lord Rupert doing thats so different from a feudal system that people call him corrupt in the first place? He seems to be doing what all feudal lords did.
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:18 am

Your quest ideas have potential from what i've seen but appear to need much more thought put into them and not use other games ideas and examples quite so much.
Sure, 100% originality is pretty damn hard to pull off considering we've already decided what fantasy RPG is ( knights, dragons, etc ) and all the common "Rescue the princess" stuff.
However. The quest just seems like you ripped off a few other quests and names from various games and combined them to make it your 'own'.

Pertaining the poll,
I chose the first option cause i think it's pretty sweet to have your own castle and guards and all that. The castle DLC in Oblivion was one of my favorites.
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:31 am

I chose Other...

I would take over the castle, and become a more benevolent leader.
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Jack Walker
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:47 am

Don't like the idea, but it's a decent generic quest.

Me? I would have gone more with the Mel Brooks the Peasants are Revolting bit....intead of launching the the peasants out of the castle, launch them in via catapult...have your romantic lead jump the queen....and then take over the castle because it's good to be the king ;)

But, more realistically, how about putting more emphasis in developing the peasant in securing weapons, training, food, etc., and letting them do their own bidding. More like the OSS...vive la resistance!
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:40 am

Theres low salaries even in todays world, not to mention in a feudal system like in Tamriel. What is Lord Rupert doing thats so different from a feudal system that people call him corrupt in the first place? He seems to be doing what all feudal lords did.

Yeah the Lord grants land to his speakers who grants land to his guards who grants land to the peasants and in return the peasants grant food and services to the guards who grant protection to the speakers who grants money and stuff to the Lord, however I'm getting at that the Lord is killing peasants who don't work or punish them or maybe not giving them any land or money.
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:40 pm

My character is pretty greedy.

If given the opportunity, he would probably slaughter all of those necessary to gain control of the castle and as many slaves/guards possible.

My character never really cared for...people :S .
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