Getting the Quest: After hearing rumours from citizens of Skyrim of a corrupt Lord you decide to head to Castle Rarefax where Lord Rupert, a very wealthy castle and landowner near a large town, has gotten too powerful and has enforced labour for very low salary and any who stands against him are punished. Because of this his slaves and guards have deserted him and have rebelled and wont stop until they have his head.
What you have to do: Speak to the leader of the revolt and ask them what you can do to help. He'll tell you that the gates to Lord Rupert's castle are locked and there is only one other way round, through the crypt in the chapel of the nearby town.
Adventuring: After going through the crypt and killing a few ghosts and ghouls you arrive under the castle. After going up a trap door you find yourself in the kitchen where the chef with two butcher knifes attempts to kill you. After defeating him and a few of Lord Rupert's remaining guards you gain the key from Lord Rupert's Speaker and open the castle gates for the peasants, slaves, guards to get into the castle.
Ending: You run ahead in front of the rioters and are confronted by Lord Rupert himself he makes you an offer what should you choose. Look at poll.