I thought it might to be fun to try to capture different questing approaches as a formula.
(ok, whatever floats my boat, but please bear with me).
Example (and my own favourite):
The easily distracted survivor
General approach
- Talk to everyone in my path
- Enter every building in my path ('In my path' means buildings or people passed within pistol range)
- Clear buildings/locations/foes of loot before moving on
- Side quests are prioritised over main quests
- Settlement development is prioritised, resources permitting
- Start with the initial main quest.
- Head for the location of the next main quest point by foot, with no fast travel.
- If exploring or talking en route triggers a side quest, continue to follow the side quest.
- If triggering a side quest whilst on a side quest, address the one that is nearest.
- If a quest ends (or a particular route leads to repeated death) update/check nearest settlement.
- Once settlement updates have been made, select the nearest viable side quest for attention.
- If all side quests are complete, continue with the main quest.
I used the above and it saw me through well with both Dragon Age Inquisition and Wither 3, essentially leaving Main Quest beats through and later into the games.
What about you?
(inb4, 'I just walk where I fancy and kill sh*t...')