Alright, I have a few questions, that may be perceived as a bit perverted, but, I assure you that they are, indeed NOT. I've been playing The Elder Scrolls games since Morrowind (Tried playing Arena, but my system wouldn't run it). In every game, I've noticed one thing that has never been explained ONCE, and I bet a few of y'all have wondered about it, or at least silently questioned it without much else thought.
Why? They're amphibians for crying out loud. Frogs and other amphibians have no maternal instinct whatsoever. They mate, lay their eggs, and otherwise COMPLETELY forsake their young. This has been a point that has bugged the hell out of me for the entire series, but I never really thought to bring it up. Until now. The Khajiit, on the other hand, are perfectly justified in having briasts, as they are, of course mammals. So, my questions: 1) Do Argonians give birth to live young, or do they lay eggs? and 2) If they do birth live young, do they indeed briastfeed? Another question I have is, are Argonians endotherms (like mammals, being able to regulate their own body temperature), or exotherms (like snakes and lizards, having to rely on the heat from the sun or other external sources of heat to maintain an active metabolism)? So, The Elder Scrolls games are great, but, they leave a few questions. Bethesda, your response?
Just so you all know, I DO in fact realize that they are just video game characters. However, I, myself, like to know all the specifics of the characters I play. And something like this is something that I'd like to know. If for nothing else, just to make the games seem that much more realistic and well thought out.