After being busy with school, moving, and a load of other things, I finally have some time to play New Vegas. It's been about 8 months since I last played, and I had ED-e and Boone as my companions, and I started doing their personal quests, but I know that I missed a few "history points" (as the wika calls them) and I wasnt sure if I'd be able to complete the stuff for Boone.
Now that I do have the time to play agian, I was gonna go with what my old playthrough was (Side with NCR, Boone and EDe as my companions, make the NCR friends with the Brotherhood, Boomers, Khans, etc) and I checked out the wiki so I could read more about Boone's personal quest, and I noticed 2 things that I just want to verify.
1. According to the Wika, there is a bug involving killing Vulpes (which gives you a "history point" with Boone) it says "The game will crash if you kill Vulpes Inculta before completing Boone's "I Forgot To Remember To Forget" quest in which Vulpes is set to spawn. The game still crashes even with Vulpes alive. Using the console, type setstage 001349A7 40 to skip the stay at Coyote Tail Ridge" So, does this mean that I can't really Kill Vulples and get his history point as credit towards this quest? My plan was to go from Goodsprings to Primm, from primm to the outpost where you get the quest to check out Nipton, but I was going to head to Novac and recruit Boone, THEN head to Nipton and kill Vulples, but if I read this note right, I need boones quest done before I kill vulples (to avoid the bug) but a way to get a history point and get closer to Boone's quest is to kill Vuples.
2. According to the Wikia (agian) you were able to get a "history point" when you found out who was going to the control tower at night and relaying those ambush messages to the legion (it took place at Camp Mccarran, forgot the name of the quest) by either kill that Curtis guy, or just going to disarm the bomb on the tram (keeping him alive) Now, I read that "With the patch, disarming the monorail bomb no longer gives a history point if you kill Curtis, regardless of which method is used to disarm it or if it was disarmed before killing Curtis. The point will only be granted upon completion of the quest if Curtis isn't dead, at which point killing Curtis is no longer an option.'
Since I've been away from the game for so long, I just wanted to check and make sure that these notes are true and up to date. I wanna try to avoid using the console commands and dont want to mess up my playthrough.
If anyone else has Boone as a companion and has some other tips, or hints concerning Boone, I'm all ears, I'm still a noob!
