question about a build at higher lvls

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:07 am

Ok rolling a dunmer thief assassin in a nut shell who is only using short swords and daggers, poisens, potions , a lil bit of archery, and invisiblity and frenzy spells. Mainly gonna sneak up on single npcs rob them blind and melee atk with poisens, heal with potions, wear light armor that dont look like itd actually be considered armor, and frenzy when theres a grp of mobs. Im rolling with just ooo mod and texture enhancement mods.

After All that, was thinking of not making him brawning for rp reasons and keeping my strenght at 60 and my edurence at 50 and maxing out agi, int, speed, and luck if I can with willpower capped at 40 or 50. Question is, will I be able to complete the entire game with shimering Isles at that build and if so will it be eaay mod, ok kinda challenge, or at higher lvls each fight deserves its own battle plan?

Gonna go with my setup anyways no matter the answer, just wanted a heads up on what kind of challenge im looking at if any. Just curious.

Edit ow ya, my toon will be a vampire.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:38 am

The vampire thing might svck.... DON'T FAST TRAVEL. You will wind up DOA. Trust me. It might svck because in order to get people to trade with you, you will have to feed, thereby negating your awesome vampire powers, when you get good and hungry.

I have a mage who's strength and endurance is the same as when it was starting out. He can only carry about 70 pounds beyond his normal kit, which isn't that much. He is extremely powerful, yet is a two-shot kill. Sometimes a one-shot kill if it's those blasted undead or vampires. Umm yeah, about that, I hunt you guys. :stare: I get gold for your dust.
This playstyle of keeping your stats the same, keeps you on your toes. No more tanking. Pure strategy play only. It's the most exhilarating play I've ever done. I think you should go for it. Save a lot. After several characters in the DiD style, I've died more times with this mage than all my characters, EVER, combined.

^But don't be discouraged. Early levels will svck for a bit, then about level 9ish you should start rocking.

I don't think you need to max out luck. Sign of the Thief?
and some others, but not Alchemy or Security. Keep those as minors.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:40 am

Sweet thanks for the info. Its a rp playthru so ya no fast travel. Got the theif sign and the skills are blade, light armor, sneak, persaudtion, illusion, myst, and alch, and those for rp purposes. Got alchemy BC I wanna mainly rely on health potions instead of the beginning resto skill. Illusion and myst, the only spells ill use is invisibility, night eye, frenY and calm, and only in dire situations. I eat at least one meal a day and sleep at nite until im a vamp, then sleeping will be sporatic.

But am planning on doing most missions except fighters guild, gonna get to a nice position in mages and stop, leader of DB and tg, of course not the knights dlc,, and wont do any quest outta charity.

My guys a smooth talking well liked back stabber that would talk his way outta fight while stealing the persons purse at same timw. Not evil per se, just how he grew up in house hlaaha, its just business.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:41 am

In order to use level 25 and up Illusion mind spells, such as frenzy, fear, etc, you need to have 100% spell effectiveness. So no armor. So keep that in mind, as you may want to enchant some protections on street clothes.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:57 am

ow wow I did not know that. Any ideas if theres a way to bypass or raise the bar while wearing leather?
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:35 am

ow wow I did not know that. Any ideas if theres a way to bypass or raise the bar while wearing leather?

As your armor skill goes up, the penalty on your spell effectiveness goes down, but you'll never get to more than 95% spell effectiveness while wearing armor. That means that you won't be able to affect enemies of level 25 or above with Illusion spells like Frenzy or Command, and durations of spells like Paralyze will be reduced.

The simplest solution from a game-play perspective is to enchant three articles of clothing with the three different Elemental Shield effects (Fire, Frost, Shock) from sigil stones. That gives you 75 points of armor with no penalty (plus magic resistance), if you use top-level stones.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:31 am

Tyvm, ill problemly either roll with three pieces of the casters version of the DB robes
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:10 am

I would of suggested staying at level 20, to limit the amount of mobs that are level 25+, however you're using OOO which causes all random levels to spawn.

Because of this, you should be fine in most cases with 95% spell effectiveness.
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