Impossibly low-bargains! King Hlaalu Helseth's Loredas grocery list was a mistranslated fragment of Good Night Moon!
@"Tri-Weld breaks and reversing the bilge pumps, that's destroying the gray plague virus ship from Deus Ex!"
Horrendous Crab-Rabble! Good Night Moon is nothing more than the lowest, basest thought-echo of the adaphysis known as San-Gunō, the Akaviri aspect of Sanguine who's dominion is spicy mustard and elaborate tattoos.
Okay, you've beaten the joke into an unrecognizable puddle of goo. Can we take this thread out back and put it down now?
Never! I'd sooner die than surrender my beloved goo-puddle! CHIMsters, to battle!
3) Why the name CHIM? Why is it almost always capitalized?
If I understand MK's thought process, it derives from the Chimera beast of Greek myth. Capitalization is just a stylistic choice.