Hello all, so I have Project nevada, and I am planning on installing powered power armor and MTUI, I know the Unified HUD project is supposed to make different hud mods compatible but I dont wanna mess anything up. So I am first installing MTUI and it has the hud_main_menu.xml file but I already have one in my data/menus/main folder (im guessing from PN)...so obviously if I put the mtui one in there it will overwrite it...so my question is, how do I install it correctly and use Unified hud to make it work? thanks =)
Install your UI mod (in this case MTUI)
Install Project Nevada via FOMM
Install Unified HUD via FOMM
FOMM will ask you to overwrite in each case, say yes to that.
Project Nevada and Unified HUD use more advanced install scripts, and don't actually overwrite your HUD files (despite of what FOMM says during installation) but instead append their changes to your existing HUD xml files. Basically Project Nevada could be installed on top of almost any UI mod without causing any problems.
You dont actually need Unified HUD just to use MTUI and PN together. If you just install PN last you are fine.