Anyone know if there is a button combo available to access the console commands on the console versions of Skyrim? I don't think I have ever seen this on an ES game, but after playing TW2, it seems like such a simple, but useful tool. In the PS3 and 360 versions of Two Worlds 2, you could enter a certain button combination to be able to modify everything from default camera distance, to vulnerability, to graphics and processing effects. The nice thing was, you could actually use this to modify and improve the way the game looks. Things like removing fog and changing motion blur, shadow details, and LOD blur could completely change the way the game looks.
The reason I ask is that I would love to be able to enable a LOD blur effect that obscures some of the lower res background textures. I know the game is capable of this, because the effect is produced when the game is paused, and also when it is saved (check the save file screenshots in the XMB, they look amazing!). This would be a great cheat or feature for Bethesda to add imo, as it would add a whole new level of customization that us console gamers wouldn't normally have. Please consider this Bethesda!