Question about crysis2 auto exec

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:29 pm

Found this website today its a sort of template for creating an autoexec file. Apparentlly it show you every option that you can edit and the values on which you can edit them by (between 0-5).

On the top of the page is a key that reads as such:
"[0] custom "Low Spec" config values
[1] default "High" Crysis 2
[2] default "Very High" Crysis 2
[3] default "Extreme" Crysis 2
[4] custom "Extreme" spec config values
[5] Exclusive "Insane" spec config values"

My question is about 4 and 5. If for instance I set the "Maximum Particles To Fill Onscreen" or "detail distance" option to 5 or 4. Since 3 is equivalent to extreme, does 5 and 4 represent a level of detail that u can only achieve via the autoexec file an not in the game options.

Its somewhat arbitrary since most of the options which offer a value of 5, i don't even know what they mean, but onscreen particles did seem interesting.....

Also a stat sorta caught my eye, its "Damage threshold (0..1) for p_joint_damage_accum" Is this a sort of cheating option to lower bullet damage. My gaming integrity wont allow me to test this cheat, if it is a cheat :)
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Patrick Gordon
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