A question about enchanting power and cost formulas

Post » Wed Jan 27, 2016 2:03 am

I was reading the http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Enchanting in order to make my own tweaks to the system. However, the formulas for constant enchantments don't appear to make sense:

First, there is the Constant Enchantment Factor:

(F1) Constant Effect Enchantment Factor = (Power - 5) / SoulGemNumber / Base Cost

Then, there is the Effect Magnitude:

(F2) Effect Magnitude = (Base Cost * Constant Effect Enchantment Factor * Soul Level) + fMagicCEEnchantMagOffset

If you replace the Constant Effect Enchantment Factor in the second equation with its formula and cancel applicable terms, the magnitude is maximized for any soul gem - of any level - that is filled with a soul of the maximum possible level for that gem, and the formula for Soul Gem Level = Soul Level reduces to

(F3) Effect Magnitude = (Power - 5) + fMagicCEEnchantMagOffset

Since fMagicCEEnchantMagOffset is usually 5, that means that every soul gem that is filled to capacity will give you a Magnitude equal to "Power", whatever that is.

So, what exactly is wrong here, where have I been wrong, if so, and what the heck is the "Power" parameter which isn't explained anywhere? It can't be the power of the effect as in the menus, since you can't set that for constant enchantments.

Furthermore, if I look over the magic effects in the construction set, there is an additional parameter "Constant Enchantment Factor" which can be set separately for every effect. If I use that instead of the global CEEF in F1, I can eliminate the elusive "power" parameter and the base cost doesn't get eliminated any more, but the values still don't make sense, since if I multiply the effect magnitude I get from F3 with the effect barter factor from the magic effect entry, I should get the enchantment cost the game shows me when I enchant an item with that effect. However, that does not happen, nor is the magnitude number recognizeable in any way.

So again, how *does* this work?

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Dorian Cozens
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